P. 67

DIALOGUE COMPLETION                         THEME 3

        43.  Alyssa:                                        44.  David:
            –   I’m  feeling  really  low  on  energy  these    –   Have you heard about the recent increase
                days. What do you think I should do?                in measles cases globally?
            Susan:                                              Esra:
            –   ----                                            –   Yes, I have. It’s because not enough people
            Alyssa:                                                 are vaccinated against it.
            –   OK,  but  you  know  I’m  working  full-time      David:
                and have a busy schedule.                       –   Why is that?
            Susan:                                              Esra:
            –   Even small changes, like taking the stairs      –   ----
                instead of the lift, can help.

                                                                A)  There are many reasons, like misinformation
            A)  Maybe you haven’t been drinking enough             about vaccine safety.
               water lately.
                                                                B)  I believe health authorities should spread more
            B)  You can start by getting more physical activity    awareness about this.
               into your daily routine.                         C)  Because measles can cause serious problems
            C)  How about eating more nutrient-dense foods,        in young children.
               like vegetables?                                 D)  As far as I know, only around 20% of adults are
            D)  I guess you should make sure you’re getting        affected by needle phobia.
               enough sleep.
                                                                E)  To show the effectiveness of vaccines for
            E)  Don't you believe it’s time to talk to a dietician?  certain infectious diseases.

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