P. 63

READING COMPREHENSION                         THEME 3

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Quality  sleep  is  vital  for  overall  well-being,  yet  many   33.  According to the passage, which of the following
        struggle  to  achieve  it.  Fortunately,  there  are  several   is true?
        practical  steps  to  improve  sleep  quality  significantly.
        First,  having  a  regular  sleep  schedule  is  important;   A)  Limiting screen time is the best way for
        going to bed and waking up at the same time every day      improving health.
        regulates the body’s internal clock. Creating a relaxing   B)  The body’s internal clock changes regularly
        bedroom environment that is dark, quiet, and cool can      with a sleep routine.
        also help you sleep better. It is crucial to limit screen   C)  Sleep is as important to good health as diet
        time  before  bed,  as  the  light  from  electronic  devices   and exercise.
        might  disrupt  sleep.  Additionally,  engaging  in  regular
        physical  activity  is  also  good  for  better  and  deeper   D)  It is unnecessary to go to bed at the same
        sleep. However, it is best not to exercise too close to    time every day.
        bedtime. Remember, sleep is an essential component       E)  Some steps of sleeping techniques are not
        of good health, just like diet and exercise.               practical at all.

        32.  Which of the following can be understood from   34.  The author’s primary purpose is to ----.
            the passage about quality sleep?
                                                                 A)  inform readers about strategies for improving
            A)  Exercise right before bedtime is advised for       sleep quality
               better sleep.                                     B)  encourage readers to buy some products for
            B)  A warm and dark bedroom is enough for              better sleep
               quality sleep.                                    C)  entertain readers with amusing observations
            C)  Using a phone immediately before bed has no        about sleep
               impact on sleep quality.                          D)  criticise modern technology for sleep
            D)  Irregular sleep patterns do not affect everyone    interruptions
               in the same way.                                  E)  argue the importance of having a regular
            E)  Some people experience it without putting          exercise routine
               much effort into it.

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