P. 58

THEME 3                             CLOZE TEST

         1. - 5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada                6. - 10. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
         numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük             numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
         veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                               veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Regular   exercise   is   important   for   teenagers    Taking care of your skin is important for more than just a
        (1)---- it supports physical health and mental well-being.    nice look (6)---- the skin is the body’s first line of defence
        (2)---- research suggests that adolescents who engage   against  harmful  environmental  factors.  Except  for  UV
        in daily physical activity tend to experience lower levels   rays,  (7)----  pathogens  and  pollution  pose  a  serious
        of stress, an improved mood, and better concentration.   threat  to  skin  health.  That’s  why  cleaning  off  dirt  and
        Additionally,  exercise  (3)----  intense  to  get  the    moisturising to (8)---- dryness and irritation are musts of
        benefits—biking,  swimming,  or  even  short  walks  can    skincare. Protecting it against early ageing and damage
        be just as effective. Finding a routine that allows teenagers   (9)---- the sun is also vital and can be done by following
        to (4)---- while having fun is key to living a healthy lifestyle.   regular  practices.  Besides,  using  the  right  products
        In  conclusion,  doing  the  chosen  physical  activity  for    (10)---- with specific skin problems like acne, redness, or
        (5)---- 60 minutes a day can help them become healthier   sensitivity. In the end, skincare is an investment in your
        and more active in the future.                      health and well-being that will pay off for years to come.

        1.   A) while                                       6.   A) when
             B) because                                         B) unless
             C) after                                           C) since
             D) before                                          D) as soon as
             E) until                                           E) if

        2.   A) A couple of                                 7.   A) both
             B) Several                                         B) either
             C) A great deal of                                 C) each
             D) None of                                         D) neither
             E) A few                                           E) every

        3.   A) does not have to be                         8.   A) detect
             B) would not be                                    B) reverse
             C) had better not be                               C) precede
             D) did not use to be                               D) threaten
             E) is not allowed to be                            E) avoid

        4.   A) break down                                  9.   A) with
             B) give up                                         B) from
             C) pull through                                    C) underneath
             D) work out                                        D) onto
             E) get over                                        E) about

        5.   A) across                                      10.  A) used to help
             B) during                                          B) ought to help
             C) between                                         C) must help
             D) besides                                         D) can help
             E) around                                          E) would help

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