P. 61

SENTENCE COMPLETION                         THEME 3

        25.  Some heart conditions can cause other serious   27.  A  regular  exercise  routine  can  improve  sleep
            health problems, ----.                              quality, ----.

            A)  but eating too much sugar does not directly     A)  so a lack of physical training brings down
               cause diabetes                                     muscles’ flexibility
            B)  and people can improve their mental health      B)  and you might find it harder to fall asleep at
               with regular exercise                              night
            C)  although many people find it hard to eat a      C)  for stress or anxiety can cause conditions like
               balanced diet                                      insomnia
            D)  so regular check-ups and a healthy lifestyle    D)  but it is important to avoid intense workouts
               can help prevent them                              right before bedtime
            E)  as drinking plenty of water is essential for    E)  or you could feel exhausted on the next day of
               good skin health                                   the physical activity

        26.  Developments in medical technology have led    28.  As eating sugary foods can lead to tooth decay,
            to many breakthroughs; ----.                        ----.

            A)  for example, robotic surgeries have minimised   A)  brushing your teeth is useful to remove food
               surgical difficulties and risks                    particles
            B)  however, wearable health monitors have          B)  using mouthwash helps freshen breath and
               simplified tracking health metrics                 whiten teeth
            C)  therefore, mobile health apps provide           C)  it is important to limit their consumption and
               guidance for diet and exercise routines            have healthy foods

            D)  similarly, digital health records ensure easy   D)  visiting a dentist regularly ensures early
               access and privacy for patients                    detection of problems
            E)  in fact, the cost of medical technology has     E)  proper dental hygiene is crucial to preventing
               decreased significantly                            gum disease

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