P. 64


         35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Vitamins  are  the  superheroes  of  the  nutrient  world;   36.  It can be inferred from the passage that people
        each  has  benefits  for  the  body’s  various  functions.   with low vitamin A levels ----.
        They  are  divided  into  water-soluble  and  fat-soluble
        ones.  Types  B  and  C  form  the  first  group.  The  body   A)  probably suffer from common vision problems
        cannot store them, so individuals must regularly replace   B)  are advised to avoid eating leafy vegetables
        them through diet. Frequent but small doses of intake   C)  should eat foods with water-soluble vitamins
        are required, as extra amounts are removed from the
        body.  They  are  essential  for  immune  health,  brain   D)  are not required to be careful about their diets
        function, and more. Colourful fruits, leafy greens, and   E)  may also have inadequate vitamin D level
        whole grains have them abundantly. On the other hand,
        types A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and stored in the
        fat tissues and liver to boost bones and vision. They
        are removed from the body much more slowly, unlike
        water-soluble  vitamins.  Dairy  products,  fatty  fish,  and
        leafy vegetables contain them. All in all, adequate and
        proper intake of both categories is vital for health.

        35.  According to the passage, which of the following   37.  One  can  understand  from  the  passage  that
            is true about vitamins?                             water-soluble vitamins ----.
            A)  Water-soluble vitamins stay in the body longer   A)  are mostly found in green foods and dairy
               than fat-soluble ones.                              products
            B)  Various food sources provide different types    B)  can enter the human body only through
               of vitamins to the body.                            supplements
            C)  Both sorts of vitamins are only found in        C)  have significant roles in having robust bones
               animal-based foods.
                                                                D)  are not just vital for the health of immune
            D)  The body can produce all kinds of fat-soluble      system
               vitamins naturally.
                                                                E)  are mainly stored in the body’s fat tissues
            E)  Leafy vegetables are a poor source of
               water-soluble vitamins.

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