P. 60

THEME 3                      SENTENCE COMPLETION

         21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
         şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

        21.  While  excessive  stress  detrimentally  affects   23.  Eating deep-sea fish can be harmful to children’s
            overall health, ----.                               brain development, ----.
            A)  it increases the risk of having a weaker        A)  and they are an excellent source of protein and
               immune system                                       healthy fats
            B)  a controllable amount motivates individuals to   B)  as these fish often contain high levels of toxic
               achieve their best                                  metals like mercury
            C)  long-term stress can lead to vulnerability to   C)  while coastal fish prefer shallower waters as
               health problems                                     their habitat
            D)  sleep failures and serious headaches are the    D)  whereas nutritionists warn people about their
               other consequences                                  detrimental effects on health
            E)  a high level of stress has an adverse effect on   E)  so adults should not consume tuna or
               the level of productivity                           swordfish as part of their diets

        22.  Though  dietary  supplements  may  improve     24.  ----, a diet with rich antioxidants can slow down
            some health conditions, ----.                       the ageing effects.
            A)  their improper use or high doses may cause      A)  Since skincare products and cosmetic
               serious side effects                                procedures are expensive
            B)  some contain a combination of more than one     B)  Even if drinking plenty of water is a healthy way
               vitamin or mineral                                  to lose weight
            C)  they can be produced in different forms, such   C)  If relaxation techniques keep you away from
               as tablets or powders                               stress
            D)  individuals who lack nutrients in their diets use   D)  As a high intake of processed foods raises
               them frequently                                     health concerns
            E)  a better immune system and increased            E)  Although genetics plays an important role in
               energy are among their benefits                     ageing

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