P. 55

IRRELEVANT SENTENCE                         THEME 2

        85.  (I) The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation   87.  (I) Wind power is one of the biggest growing energy
            Area  is  the  world’s  largest  conservation  area.    sources,  as  it  provides  many  benefits.  (II)  It  is  a
            (II) It hosts a great biodiversity with lots of plants   clean energy option because it produces electricity
            and animals. (III) In the grasslands and the Zambezi   without polluting the air. (III) However, wind turbines
            River,  you  can  see  endangered  species  like  the   can be noisy and sometimes harm the environment.
            African wild dog and Nile crocodile. (IV) There are   (IV)  Plus,  wind  power  is  economical  since  it  is
            also  around  3,000  plants  that  include  species  of   renewable.  (V)  What’s  more,  it  creates  many  job
            worldwide ecological importance. (V) Local people live   opportunities  for  people  who  work  in  research,
            in harmony with nature and safeguard this wild place.  design, and wind farms.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

        86.  (I) The Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 was   88.  (I)  Carnivorous  plants  eat  insects,  as  they  live
            one of the largest marine oil spills in history. (II) It   in  environments  with  poor  soil  quality.  (II)  That
            caused the release of millions of barrels of crude   allows them to obtain minerals that are lacking in
            oil  into  the  ocean.  (III)  The  spill  had  disastrous   their  environment.  (III)  Moreover,  the  presence
            effects  on  coral  reefs,  marshlands,  and  coastal   of  such  plants  in  ecosystems  helps  control
            habitats. (IV) It also led to the deaths of thousands   insect  populations.  (V)  They  attract  insects  by
            of  animals,  including  birds,  fish,  sea  turtles,  and   emitting  flower-like  smells  and  then  prevent  them
            marine  mammals.  (V)  The  social  impacts  of  the   from  escaping.  (IV)  To  do  this,  they  use  special
            spill showed the importance of safety regulations   mechanisms,  such  as  pitcher-shaped  leaves  with
            for offshore drilling operations.                   sticky traps.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             A) I    B) II     C) III   D) IV   E) V

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