P. 26


         65. - 72. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
         parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için
         getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
        65.  Water  sports  are  activities  that  are  done  in,   67.  Online gaming has changed the way people play
            under, or on the water, like surfing, kayaking,     and interact. With technological developments,
            swimming, canoeing, and scuba diving. They          players  can  now  connect  with  others  from
            can  be  exciting,  relaxing,  or  competitive,     around the world. ---- Whether teaming up with
            and  are  practised  in  teams  or  individually.   friends for cooperative missions or competing
            Besides,  they  require  special  equipment.  ----   against  strangers,  the  community  provides
            Possessing  the  suitable  ones  makes  these       a  dynamic  platform  for  social  interaction,
            watery experiences more enjoyable and safe.         competition, and entertainment.
            A)  Each sport has its own rules and disciplines.   A)  Players try to be the last ones standing on the
            B)  Wetsuits, surfboards, and goggles are some
               of them.                                         B)  The game is one of the most iconic games of
                                                                   its generation.
            C)  Renting a sailboat is a fantastic way to enjoy
               the open waters.                                 C)  It has gained widespread popularity for its
                                                                   simple yet engaging gameplay.
            D)  A licence is not necessary to use a canoe or
               surfboard.                                       D)  Too much screen time can cause physical
            E)  Learning these basic techniques is easy for        health problems, like eye strain.
               beginners.                                       E)  It offers a variety of experiences for players of
                                                                   all interests and skill levels.

        66.  Knitting is a delightful hobby for many people.   68.  Streaming  services  provide  numerous  shows,
            With  just  a  pair  of  needles  and  some  yarn,   films,  and  other  original  programmes  over
            enthusiasts can create beautiful and functional     the  Internet.  They  have  cartoons  with  funny
            pieces, from scarves to sweaters. ---- Besides,     characters,  films  with  superheroes,  or  shows
            the process increases a sense of mindfulness        about animals and nature. ---- It is very easy; you
            and focus that provides a break from everyday       just click and play. In addition, some streaming
            life. With each project, knitters feel accomplished   services  make  special  shows  that  you  cannot
            and proud, and this makes knitting not just a       watch  anywhere  else.  With  so  many  choices,
            hobby but a cherished pastime.                      you can always find something fun to watch.
            A)  It offers a therapeutic escape, as it allows    A)  Most streaming platforms require a monthly fee
               practitioners to relax with rhythm.                 from their users.
            B)  However, it can be time-consuming, especially   B)  A live stream allows you to watch events that
               for larger projects.                                happen in real time.
            C)  Purchasing high-quality yarn and knitting       C)  Sometimes, it is very difficult to choose the
               supplies can be expensive.                          right platform.
            D)  Like knitting, embroidery offers a relaxing and   D)  You can watch them on your computer, tablet,
               meditative experience too.                          or even your TV.
            E)  It is one of the most expensive options since it   E)  Watching videos or listening to music online is
               requires a lot of materials.                        called ‘streaming’.

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