P. 24

THEME 1                            SITUATION

         57. - 64. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
         olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

        57.  You are working at a ski resort as a receptionist.   59.  You  have  a  pair  of  tickets  for  an  important
            A ski instructor calls and says he is organising    football  match  between  two  rival  teams,  and
            a  trip  for  a  group  of  beginner  and  advanced   you  decide  to  invite  your  football  enthusiast
            skiers.  He  is  looking  for  a  resort  that  offers   friend. You call and invite him to the event. He
            slopes  suitable  for  both  groups.  Your  resort   says he is starting to feel sick. You want to give
            has a wide range of slopes. So you say: ----        him a piece of advice and say: ----

            A)  We offer facilities for all levels of skiers.   A)  You must drink at least ten glasses of water a
            B)  I can recommend a luxurious hotel nearby.
                                                                B)  You had better have some rest and then see a
            C)  We’re planning to stay during the ski festival.
            D)  We also offer trial lessons for beginners.
                                                                C)  You don’t need to pay anything for the tickets.
            E)  I used to go skiing whenever I had free time.
                                                                D)  You shouldn’t have played football in bad
                                                                   weather conditions.
                                                                E)  You ought to keep off unhealthy habits.

        58.  You  are  an  actor  at  a  theatre.  One  of  your   60.  You  are  organising  a  surprise  birthday  party
            friends is a big fan of yours, and he could not     for your daughter. You want to ensure it is both
            watch the whole play tonight. However, he did       affordable  and  memorable.  You  have  found
            catch a short part of your performance towards      a  cafe  that  offers  a  budget-friendly  deal  on
            the end of the play. You are glad to hear it and    decorations,  food,  and  entertainment  of  good
            say: ----                                           quality. You call the cafe owner and say: ----
            A)  You should have noticed the change in the       A)  We don’t want to interact with other people that
               timetable.                                          are not invited.
            B)  I’m sorry. The traffic prevented me from        B)  I’m looking for a cheaper alternative, then.
               arriving on time.                                C)  We’re the best place that you can find in this
            C)  I’m very pleased to hear this. You’re always       neighbourhood.
               welcome.                                         D)  I’ll make sure that nothing will set back your
            D)  It was just a brief moment, but I enjoyed the      party, sir.
               play anyway.                                     E)  I’d like to get information about your

            E)  Congratulations on your great success in           economical birthday party packages.

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