P. 20

THEME 1                     DIALOGUE COMPLETION

        45.  Rachel:                                        46.  Nina:
            –   Would  you  like  to  join  me  in  the  special   –   I’ve been trying gardening recently. I have
                İstanbul Marathon’s public run?                     vegetables in my backyard now.
            Leo:                                                Sandy:
            –   I’ve  never  heard  of  that  marathon.  What   –   Wow, it’s a perfect hobby! Do you have any
                makes it so different?                              experience with gardening?
            Rachel:                                             Nina:
            –   ----                                            –   ----
            Leo:                                                Sandy:
            –   Wow, that’s a fantastic route! I’ll definitely   –   That’s  true;  homegrown  vegetables  taste
                register for it.                                    so much better than packaged ones.

            A)  I’m not actually a fan of running long          A)  Yes, eating locally is a fantastic way to connect
               distances; it sounds exhausting.                    with nature.
            B)  It’s the world’s only marathon that crosses two   B)  Not really, but I’ve been searching online. It’ll
               continents: Asia and Europe.                        be great to get fresh veggies from the garden.
            C)  I guess marathons are only for professional     C)  No, I don’t have any, as my garden isn’t large
               athletes, not for amateurs like us.                 enough to grow vegetables.
            D)  Because the runners are required to be at       D)  One day, you should come and eat my
               least 16 to participate in the public run.          delicious apples if you don’t believe me.
            E)  It has grown from a local event to a huge       E)  Oh, yes. I’ve always been interested in grocery
               international sports festival.                      shopping.

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