P. 15

READING COMPREHENSION                          THEME 1

         32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

        Obstacle  courses  test  a  person’s  strength  and  speed   33.  One can infer from the passage that penalties
        by  presenting  a  series  of  physical  obstacles.  These   ----.
        courses usually include towering walls to climb, narrow
        tunnels  to  crawl  through,  and  balance  beams  to  walk   A)  are mostly arbitrary
        across. Participants must race against the clock. They   B)  do not affect the final score
        not only need to stay on the set path but also escape    C)  look wholly escapable
        any  penalties.  For  example,  touching  the  ground  or
        missing  an  obstacle  completely  may  add  extra  time   D)  may not disqualify you
        to  their  final  score  or  even  disqualify  them.  All  those   E)  are severe punishments
        things  increase  the  pressure  and  excitement.  They
        are especially popular in fitness training, team-building
        exercises, and competitive events. They offer a fun and
        challenging way to push physical and mental limits. In
        short, besides being a chance for everyone to challenge
        themselves,  obstacle  courses  offer  a  difficult  but  fun
        activity for all ages.

        32.  According to the passage, obstacle courses ----.  34.  Which of the following could be the best title
                                                                 for the passage?
            A)  always have high walls to climb
            B)  consist of a number of challenges                A)  Penalties in Obstacle Courses
                                                                 B)  The Joy of Racing against Time
            C)  offer hard tasks for all participants
            D)  put people under great pressure                  C)  Challenging Obstacle Courses
            E)  have only corridors to crawl through             D)  The Benefits of Competitive Activities
                                                                 E)  Strategies for Obstacle Courses

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