P. 11

CLOZE TEST                            THEME 1

          11. - 15. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada             16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
          numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük            numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
          veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                              veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
        Origami  is  the  Japanese  art  of  paper  folding  and   Kayaking  is  an  economical  and  beneficial  activity  for
        captivates  enthusiasts  worldwide.  It  is  an  easy  and   (16)----  ages  and  skill  levels.  It  offers  opportunities
        engaging activity, (11)---- it requires just a sheet of paper   to  acquire  new  skills  and  build  confidence  while  you
        and a set of folding instructions. One does not need to   (17)----  nature’s  wonders.  There  may  be  some
        have  the  (12)----  to  create  complex  designs;  simple   occasional  rivalries,  (18)----  the  focus  should  be  on
        shapes  and  folds  can  still  produce  incredible  results.    personal  accomplishment  rather  than  competition
        (13)---- its aesthetic beauty, origami reduces stress and   in  general.  There  is  a  prevalent  outdoor  pursuit
        promotes relaxation as enthusiasts focus on the rhythmic   (19)---- kayaking, and it offers essential facilities for a
        moves. According to (14)---- people, the joy of designing   safe and enjoyable experience. (20)----, it serves as a
                                                            substitute for traditional exercise. Kayaking may be the
        something  extraordinary  from  a  humble  piece  of  paper   perfect choice for those who are looking for a thrilling
        makes it a timeless hobby. So, origami (15)---- hobbyists   yet affordable outdoor activity.
        for centuries.

        11.  A) so                                          16.  A) each
             B) and                                             B) a little
             C) or                                              C) every
             D) though                                          D) few
             E) as                                              E) all

        12.  A) capability                                  17.  A) explore
             B) occupation                                      B) have explored
             C) prevalence                                      C) explored
             D) difference                                      D) were exploring
             E) substitution                                    E) will explore

        13.  A) Beneath                                     18.  A) or
             B) Of                                              B) but
             C) About                                           C) so
             D) Besides                                         D) nor
             E) Between                                         E) for

        14.  A) much                                        19.  A) between
             B) many                                            B) beneath
             C) each                                            C) above
             D) little                                          D) of
             E) enough                                          E) about

        15.  A) is attracting                               20.  A) Arbitrarily
             B) attracts                                        B) Gradually
             C) has been attracting                             C) Diligently
             D) was attracting                                  D) Firmly
             E) will attract                                    E) Ultimately
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16