P. 23

RESTATEMENT                             THEME 1

        53.  Wildlife watching is educational and enjoyable,   55.  Watching  films  provides  an  escape  from
            but  it  also  requires  patience  and  respect  for   everyday life, for it opens doors to new worlds
            nature.                                             and perspectives.
            A)  Observing wildlife takes patience, but if       A)  People can escape from their daily duties and
               you appreciate nature, it can be fun and            live in new worlds by watching films.
               rewarding.                                       B)  If people want to open doors to new viewpoints,
            B)  Watching animals is a very enjoyable and           they should watch films and escape from real
               peaceful hobby for people who love the              life.
               outdoors.                                        C)  Along with providing a break from everyday
            C)  When you spend a lot of time in nature, you        life, watching films opens doors to new
               learn to respect wildlife and have fun with it.     perspectives too.
            D)  For animal watching to teach you something,     D)  If people want to have new perspectives,
               remember to be patient and kind to their            they must watch films and open doors to new
               natural home.                                       worlds.
            E)  It is both fun and informative to watch wildlife,   E)  Watching films offers a break from regular life
               yet it calls for a patient and respectful manner    and introduces you to different possibilities and
               towards nature.                                     viewpoints.

        54.  Basketball  is  commonly  regarded  as  the    56.  With  technology,  photography  has  become
            second  most  popular  team  sport  worldwide,      accessible to everyone as a tool of self-expression
            following football.                                 and creativity.
            A)  Many people think basketball is the number      A)  Photography has become more accessible,
               two team sport in the world, after football.        despite the other tools of self-expression and
            B)  When it comes to team sports, the popularity       creativity.
               of basketball is almost the same as that of      B)  Photography has become a more prevalent
               football.                                           way of self-expression and creativity due to
            C)  Basketball is the most popular team sport in       technological developments.
               the world, and football comes in second.         C)  Although everyone can take photos, not many
            D)  The world’s second least common team sport         can access the level of artistic creativity.
               is basketball, just behind football.             D)  Thanks to technology, many people can
            E)  There are about twice as many basketball           express themselves freely and create art
               supporters globally as there are football fans.     pieces.
                                                                E)  Because of technology, most people have
                                                                   creativity, and they can use photography for

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