Page 104 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 104

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           61.  Muscle tightness is usually thought of as stiffness   62.  Grades  consist of  numbers,  letters, or  phrases
               or even pain caused by exercise. However,       that  indicate  a  student’s  school  performance
               the  scientific definition  of muscle tightness  is   during a certain period of time or on a particular
               the  limited  range of  motion that comes with it.   assignment. In addition to measuring the quality
               ----  Experienced  sports  therapists  say  that  it  is   of a student’s work, grades indicate the progress
               important to figure out why your muscles are    a student has or has not made. ---- He or she is
               tight because it could be a sign of an injury. It   then placed at a higher risk of being dismissed the
               can happen if you hurt a muscle because the scar   following school year. On the other hand, routinely
               tissue that forms after a muscle injury makes it   high grades indicate that a student is progressing
               shorter. In the same way, health problems like   well academically and should be promoted to the
               inflammatory diseases or tight muscles can also   next level.
               cause it.
                                                               A)  There are many ways in which schools place
               A)  When you go to the doctor, they will ask about   number grades with corresponding letter grades.
                  your medical history and any other symptoms.  B)  Consistently poor grades indicate that a student
               B)  Muscle stiffness is when it is harder to move than   is not progressing academically.
                  usual, especially after you have been still for a   C)  The most common system used at primary
                  while.                                          schools in the United States is the 10-point scale.
               C)  In addition to sprains, there are other conditions   D)  When a student gets to the college level, courses
                  that can cause muscle stiffness and other       are given a credit value.
                                                               E)  Students receiving average grades typically
               D)  This usually happens when too much exercise,   remain in regular education classrooms.
                  such as lifting heavy weights, shortens a group of
               E)  Stand upright or sit on a chair or the floor, and try
                  to relax your body as much as possible.

           12. SINIF                                   104                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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