Page 101 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 101
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 4. DENEME
53. Before the aircraft takes off, if there are any extra
54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
seats, they may be sold at a discount, allowing the
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
airline to recover part of the money they would
have otherwise lost. 54. After school, one of your friends wants to hang
out with you. She wants to know what you are
A) Before the plane takes off, unsold tickets have up to. Even though you are free, you do not want
to be sold at standard prices, allowing the airline to see anyone as you have been feeling gloomy
to save part of the money they had lost on other without any reason. You politely make up an
flights. excuse by saying: ----
B) During the flight’s departure, any remaining
A) I’ve told you many times that I don’t have time to
tickets had better be sold at a discount, allowing
spare for you? Why are you so insistent?
the airport to save all of the money they would
have otherwise lost. B) Am I your only friend? I don’t understand why you
always want to see me.
C) Selling unsold tickets before the flight can be
profitable for companies which otherwise would C) Sorry, I can’t meet you today, because I don’t feel
have lost some revenue due to discounted prices. like going out.
D) If there are any excess seats, they can be sold at D) Wonderful! I was just trying to figure out what to
a reduced price prior to takeoff, helping the airline do. Does shopping suit you?
regain a portion of the money they would have E) I’d love to get together with you, but I don’t believe
otherwise lost. we have the same interests.
E) Companies tend to sell some seats with extra
discounts because they may lose nearly half of
their profits on account of unsold tickets before
the flight.
55. You speak English well, and one of your friends
looks up to you. She has been trying to memorise
vocabulary via flashcards to be able to talk, but
this has not worked so far. She wants to improve
her speaking skills in front of people and needs
help. You want to encourage her and give advice
by saying: ----
A) It is essential to put new words into memory, but
it can’t be done using flash cards alone.
B) Trust me, you will do it. You can install a speech
app on your phone, which can help your fluency.
C) You are showing signs of excessive excitement. It
is not feasible to speak in such a manner.
D) Do you comprehend but can’t speak? I believe it
to be an epidemic.
E) If I know you at all, you can do everything you set
your mind on.
12. SINIF 101 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.