Page 103 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 103

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

                                                           60.  The first step to understanding why the sea is salty
            59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
            bütünlüğünü  sağlamak  için  getirilebilecek  cümleyi   is to know how water moves through the ocean’s
            bulunuz.                                           different physical states. The three different forms
                                                               of it are ice, liquid, and vapour, respectively. ----
           59.  ----  It  has  been  named  ‘black  widow’  because
                                                               Because of this, the basins of our oceans are
               most of its mass comes from another star that it
                                                               filled with a tangled mixture of different mineral
               orbits. It has 2.35 times as much mass as our sun.
                                                               salts. On the other hand, water and salt are not
               Scientists think that the star is close to having
                                                               compatible  in  other  phases  of  water,  such  as
               the most mass possible for something like it. If it
                                                               vapour and ice; hence, water vapour and ice are
               were any bigger, it would just fall apart into a huge
                                                               virtually salt-free.
               black hole.
                                                               A)  We are able to monitor changes in the water cycle
               A)  A neutron star is the dense collapsed centre of a
                                                                  immediately if we keep track of the salinity of the
                  massive star that has exploded in a supernova.
                                                                  ocean’s surface.
               B)  The name ‘pulsar’ refers to the kind of neutron
                                                               B)  Since 86 per cent of global evaporation occurs
                  star that has a very strong magnetic field.
                                                                  over the ocean, oceans’ surface salinity explains
               C)  The denser the material is at the centre of a   how freshwater inflow and outflow impact ocean
                  neutron star, the heavier it is overall.        dynamics.
               D)  The star is thought to have begun as a neutron   C)  Ocean currents are the continuous, directed flow
                  star with a typical mass of about 1.4 times that of   of seawater caused by gravity, wind, and water
                  our sun.                                        density.
               E)  Space scientists have discovered what they   D)  When water is in liquid state, it can dissolve rocks
                  believe to be the most massive known example    and  sediments  and  react  with  emissions  from
                  of a neutron star.                              hydrothermal vents and volcanoes.
                                                               E)  There is a continuous cycle of freezing and
                                                                  melting sea ice, as well as evaporation and
                                                                  precipitation across the seas.

           12. SINIF                                   103                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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