Page 100 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 100

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           51.  If the universe is infinite, it can just keep growing   52.  Children who play video games for longer than
               forever without ever becoming larger since there   usual periods of time get smarter than average,
               is no size greater than infinity.               but watching TV or using social media does not
                                                               have a direct positive or negative effect.
               A)  If the universe were infinite, it could continue to
                  expand indefinitely since there would be no size   A)  Children who play video games for longer than
                  bigger than infinity.                           adults  show  more  than  usual emotional  gains,
               B)  Only if space is unlimited can the universe    although the time spent watching television or
                  continue to expand without becoming larger since   using mobile phones has no direct good or bad
                  there is no number that can be larger than infinity.  effect.
               C)  Provided that the universe is infinite, it can just   B)  Playing video games for longer lengths can make
                  keep expanding eternally without ever becoming   children  more  intelligent  than  their  peers, while
                  bigger since there is no size greater than infinity.  spending time watching TV or using social media
                                                                  may worsen the situation.
               D)  As infinity is the maximum possible size, it is
                  possible that the universe will expand indefinitely   C)  Children who are smarter than average can play
                  without ever becoming larger.                   video games longer than usual, but watching TV
                                                                  or using social media applications does not have
               E)  There is no size larger than infinity, and
                                                                  any impact on them directly.
                  considering the universe is infinite, it can continue
                  to develop without ever getting larger.      D)  In  order to improve the intellectual levels of
                                                                  children who play video games longer than in
                                                                  general, parents should let them watch TV or use
                                                                  social media less, which can affect them both
                                                                  positively and negatively.
                                                               E)  Children who play video games for longer than
                                                                  usual periods have more than average advances
                                                                  in their level of intelligence, yet the time spent in
                                                                  front of the television or on social media has no
                                                                  direct effect, either good or bad.

           12. SINIF                                   100                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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