Page 102 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 102

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           56.  One of your friends has been to the hairdresser.   58.  You are sharing a room with another student
               Even though she only had a trim, she paid a lot.   while studying at high school. However, there
               You like her hairstyle but believe it is too costly.   are some issues with this arrangement, such
               When she asks your opinion, you honestly say:   as loudness and misbehaviour. You find it
               ----                                            extremely challenging to concentrate in these
                                                               circumstances. You go to the dorm manager and
               A)  I think your hair looks nice, but you have been
                                                               ask him gently to change your room. So, you say:
               B)  I think that it would be better if the ends were
                  shoulder-length.                             A)  I’m sick and tired of this guy. Take him out of the
                                                                  room now; otherwise, unfavourable things may
               C)  You should have parted your hair in the middle.
                                                                  happen, and I don’t take responsibility!
               D)  Please take me next time you go to the same
                                                               B)  With the upcoming exam week, it is tough to
                                                                  study in this setting. If possible, would you mind
               E)  Don’t ask me for my opinion because I don’t want
                                                                  transferring me to another room?
                  to break your heart.
                                                               C)  My roommate and I have been having a lot of
                                                                  arguments, so I think it would be best if he moved
                                                               D)  Could you give me my roommate’s parents’
                                                                  number, sir? I’m sure they have a right to know
                                                                  their son’s bad behaviours.
                                                               E)  Before I call the police, you had better fire him. I
                                                                  can’t stand his negligence any more.
           57.  You have purchased a costly mobile phone
               from a well-known technology retailer, and after
               a few days of purchase, it has abruptly stopped
               operating. You have sent the phone, spoken with
               a  corporate representative  over  the  phone  and
               expressed your displeasure with the situation,
               yet your broken phone has not been fixed for
               twenty-five days. You decide to call again to make
               a final warning. So, you say threateningly: ----
               A)  That’s enough. What a reckless company! From
                  now on, I have no hope of taking back my phone,
                  and I want a refund as soon as possible!
               B)  Unfortunately, I don’t have a spare phone to use,
                  so I need my phone urgently. Please solve this
                  problem within the shortest possible time.
               C)  Unless you send my phone within the next five
                  days, your business will be taken to court. This is
                  my last call.
               D)  After buying this phone, I no longer think your
                  business is reputable and competent. I’ll never
                  visit your stores again!
               E)  I should have instead purchased the more costly
                  option. I regret that I made the wrong choice.

           12. SINIF                                   102                            Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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