Page 98 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 98

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 4. DENEME

           46.  Juan:                                      47.  Leo:

              – It  would be  great  for  people  to change  their   – As a parent, it is a bit weird for our children to
                way of celebration so as not to hurt other      use their mobile phones at school. These devices
                animals and damage the environment in which     are the most prominent distractors. Although
                they live.
                                                                students aren’t allowed to use phones during
               Erik:                                            lectures, they may have a negative effect on
              – What makes you think in that way?               concentration and success.
               Juan:                                           Dennis:

              – ----                                           – ----
               Erik:                                           Leo:
              – I totally agree with you. All creatures have the   – Such incidents are considerably rare, and school
                right to live as peacefully as we do.
                                                                administrators can inform parents rapidly.
               A)  Sound pollution, especially in big cities, causes
                  irreversible hearing defects for many animals.  – You can never accurately anticipate the possibility
                                                                of unexpected situations when nearly thirty
               B)  Well, all animals, regardless of size, are
                  frightened by fireworks, which also cause     students spend almost seven hours together.
                                                               A)  It’s your responsibility to teach your child to use a
               C)  Traffic congestion may be the reason for waking
                  up early and consuming more energy during the   mobile phone in case of a necessity.
                  day.                                         B)  Don’t  get  concerned  about  it.  The  students are
               D)  Zoos are ideal places for animals, and caregivers   familiar with the appropriate times and procedures
                  are pretty sensitive about their needs.         for using these devices.
               E)  Crowded cities contain many problems, such   C)  Mobile phones are an indispensable part of our
                  as crime, poverty,  transportation, and  an     lives, so they can be life-saving, particularly in  states
                  unaffordable cost of living.                    of emergency.

                                                               D)  It would be great for students to have education
                                                                  about the effective use of social media in the
                                                               E)  When it comes to bullying, it’s a more serious issue
                                                                  than having access to mobile phones.

           12. SINIF                                   98                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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