P. 46

English  10
                                  •  Talking about national and international festivals
                                  •  Describing actions and processes                           Theme 7
                                                                                       Food and Festivals  21
          1.  Listen to the interview about the TEKNOFEST and choose the correct option.   Tapescript 7.3.1

              1. The main purpose of the TEKNOFEST is to _______.
                a. develop national technology                       b. attract the attention of technology lovers
              2. The festival is sponsored by _______.
                a.  visitors and competitors                             b. state and private institutions
              3.  A separate application is _______ for each competition.
                a. required                                                       b. optional
              4. The festival can be visited by _______.
                a. only the competitors and their families       b. everyone from all over the world
              5. _______ is paid to visit the festival.
                a. No entrance fee                                          b. Some amount of money
              6. Participants under 13 _______.
                a. must be accompanied by an adult             b. are not allowed to compete

           2.  Complete the dialog using the questions below. One is extra.
              a. What do you do on Bayram days?
              b. When is it celebrated?
              c. What do you like most about this celebration?
              d. Which festival of your country will you tell us?
              e. Do you wear special costumes on Bayram days?
              f.  Are there any special preparations before the festival?
              Teacher: Yes, Melek. (1) ____
              Melek: I want to talk about one of our religious festivals, the Ramadan Feast. We call it Bayram in our country.
              Teacher: (2) ____
              Melek: It changes every year according to the lunar calendar. It’s a three-day celebration.
              Teacher: (3) ____
              Melek: Yes, the houses are cleaned. New clothes, candies and chocolate are bought, and of course, our
              traditional dessert, baklava, is made before the Bayram.
              Teacher: I see. (4) ____
              Melek: Relatives and friends are visited. Especially younger ones visit their elders and kiss their hands. It’s
              important to visit cemeteries, too.
              Teacher: (5) ____
              Melek: Certainly candies and the pocket money I get from my elders. It’s really nice to see cheerful kids running
              around. I really love Bayram days.
              Teacher: Thank you, Melek.

          3.  Prepare a dialog about your favorite festival using the questions in exercise 2. Then, act it out.

          4.  Answer the questions about yourself.
              1. What’s your favorite festival?
              2. What do you like doing on the festival days?
              3. What are the traditional dishes cooked during the festival?
              4. Do you prefer going out with your friends or staying at home on the festival days? Why?

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