P. 51

4.  Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option.

                                                                  WHY LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE?

                                     Learning a new language (1)____ us to develop many abilities at all ages.
                                     Practicing a foreign language has physical, mental and social benefits. First
                                     of all, a language is a system of rules, structures and many words. A learner
                                     has to do lots of activities to understand this system. All these activities make
                                     human (2)____ work regularly, develop new learning skills and practice different
                                     ways of problem-solving. Practicing a new language supports memory and
             concentration. It also prevents Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
             To continue, achievement of learning a new language is so (3)____. Speaking with people in their own
             language boosts the learner’s self-confidence. Getting positive feedback from native speakers (4)____ and
             makes the learner feel satisfied.
             Also, a foreign language learner gains a brand-new perspective. By
             communicating with natives, the learner develops an appreciation for their
             traditions, religions, history and arts. This creates tolerance, (5)____ and
             many other positive attitudes towards other cultures.
             In  summary,  the  more  languages  one  speaks,  the  more  (6)____  he/she
             gains. By learning a new language, one can think creatively, communicate
             clearly and become a world citizen with a broader horizon.

              1. a. helps           b. stops             c. prevents
              2. a. body            b. brain             c. hands
              3. a. boring          b. encouraging       c. unexciting
              4. a. motivates       b. discourages       c. hurts
              5. a. antipathy       b. ignorance         c. empathy
              6. a. problems        b. advantages        c. handicaps

          5.  Read the text again and match the sentence halves.
               __  1. Learning a new language is beneficial  a. makes the learner feel happy and productive.
               __  2. Language learning activities       b. you see the world from different viewpoints.
               __  3. Communicating in a new language    c. prevent many brain disorders.
               __  4. When you learn a new language,     d. for all age groups.

          6.  a. Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with the options below.
                  In what ways        I hope so            I think
              Zoe: What will language learning be like in the future?
              Pat: ___________ it will be totally different from today.
              Zoe: ___________?
              Pat: In my opinion, there will be mini chips for each language. We’ll
              plug the chip into our brains, set it with a tablet and start to learn
              the language instantly.
              Zoe: Haha! I hope your prediction will come true!
              Pat: ___________!
              b. Now, write a new dialog by changing the bold parts in exercise 6a.

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