P. 55

6.  Read the text and fill in the blanks with the given sentences below.
              a. We wouldn’t be able to cure some diseases without music
              b. It wouldn’t be so easy to revisit our forgotten moments in life
              c. It helps us to express our feelings
              d. Music has always had the power to improve our mental focus

                                   WHAT IF…?
                     ‘Without music, life would be a mistake.’
              Just imagine for a minute, what would life be like if there were
              no music? Can you imagine the movies without it, weddings or
              festivals? What would we listen to or play when we were cheerful
              or sad? Music has always been the source of relief in our lives.
              (1)___, and it has the power to affect  our emotions, such as
              bringing us to floods of tears or bursts of laughter. We all need
              to chill  out to forget about  our daily  life problems,  and music
              does this for us. The world would be a boring and meaningless
              place if it didn’t exist. Our lives would be totally empty without
              melodies and harmonies. We would never have a chance to
              catch the rhythm of life. And, what would take us to our childhood
              memories if we lost music?  (2)___. This is the magic of music;
              it connects the memories and the moments like a time machine.
              Also, it has the power to unite thousands of people. We would
              all lose a universal language if music weren’t in our lives. We
              couldn’t develop our relationships and get closer to our relatives
              and friends if we didn’t feel the effect of it. (3)___, and if it didn’t exist, we wouldn’t be able to concentrate
              on things while we were studying. Moreover, we shouldn’t forget its healing effect on patients. Music has
              always been an effective kind of treatment for heart diseases, insomnia, dementia and cancer. (4)___.
              The whole humanity would lose the meaning of life without it.

          7.  Read the text again and write true (T) or false (F).
              1. Music is a good way of relaxation and expressing feelings. ___
              2. The world would be an interesting place if there were no music. ___
              3. Music is very powerful on our emotions. ___
              4. If music didn’t exist in our lives, we couldn’t remember our memories easily. ___
              5. We would have better relationships without the effect of music. ___
              6. If there were no music, we wouldn’t have concentration problems. ___
              7. Music has an important role in healing illnesses. ___

          8.  How would you feel and what would you do if music didn’t exist in your life?

          9.  Read the imaginary situations below and choose one. Then, write a paragraph about telling what
              you would do and how you would feel in that situation.
              •  you had to live without your smartphone/computer.
              •  you had to live on Mars.
              •  you were in a different country.


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