P. 52

                                  •  Stating personal opinions in everyday conversations
                                  •  Stating preferences                                   English  10
                                  •  Stating causes and effects
                                  •  Giving an extended description and detailed information    Theme 8
                                      about people/places/events                               Digital Era  24

          1.  Listen to the conversation about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence. Write the given   L3
              phrases under the correct column.    Tapescript 8.3.1

                 Expensive                        Risk of      Success in                   Risk of replacing
                               Easier lifestyle                              Higher security
                  systems                     unemployment    medical usage                   humankind
                                           Artificial Intelligence (AI)
                                   PROS                            CONS
                           -                               -
                           -                             ________  -
                           -                               -

           2.  Listen again and complete the summary of the conversation with the word groups you hear.

                                  Ms. Dawson asks students the meaning of (1)_______________________.  Debby
                                  describes it as a smart computer or machine system which has some features of the
                                  (2)_______________________ and behaves intelligently. According to Chris, AI is
                                  used in our smartphones, home devices, search engines and online streaming services.
                                  Joanna agrees that AI is getting more useful with every  (3)_______________________.
                                  Debby believes that with the (4)_______________________ recognition features of
                                  AI, our privacy is more secure. For Lucas, the accurate decision making ability of AI
                                  makes it one of the most important elements in medical treatments. One of the first
                                  cons of AI that Debby can think of is the  (5)_______________________ of its systems.
                                  Chris underlines the risk of unemployment in the (6)_______________________
                                  due to successful AI machines. Joanna fears about the extinction of the human race
               which happens in sci-fi series. Lucas mentions the (7)_______________________ that may use AI for mass
               destruction. Ms. Dawson concludes the discussion by saying AI is a beneficial technology as long as it’s used
               to make the world a (8)_______________________.  However, the AI machines should have limited abilities
               and the systems should be protected by law.

          3.  a. Work in groups and take notes about the situation below.
              Assume that you can time travel to 50 years ago where there was no AI or 50 years later where we’re
              surrounded by intelligent machines and robots. In which condition would you prefer living? Why?

                               50 years ago                                   50 years later


              b. Now, discuss your preferences with the other groups using your notes in exercise 3a.

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