P. 56

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  •  Talking about imaginary situations
                                  •  Expressing wishes                                          Theme 9
                                  •  Guessing the meaning from the context
                                                                              Modern Heroes and Heroines   26
          1.  Listen to the radio program and match the people with the pictures.   Tapescript 9.2.1        L2
              1. Kylie ___                   2. Rayan ___                           3. Melinda ___

                                     a. Austria                   b. Turkey                   c. Cambodia
          2.   Listen to the radio program again and choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
              1. Kylie has never been to the place she wanted so much because she had no ________ for it.
                  a. money                 b. time
              2. If she had a chance to visit her dream place, she would ________ .
                  a. buy souvenirs         b. take plenty of photographs
              3. Rayan is interested in ________.
                  a. classical music       b. classical art
              4. All his plans were canceled due to ________.
                  a. his mother’s illness    b. the pandemic
              5. Melinda is a ________ in Switzerland.
                  a. student               b. teacher in a music school
              6. If she had a chance, she would ________.
                  a. visit her parents      b. visit the historical places
          3.  If you had a chance, where would you go and what would you do? Share your answers with class.

          4.  Read the dialog between Jason and April and fill in the blanks with the sentences below.
              a. I wish I had the same power as Matilda
              b. I wish I could be invisible and super strong
              c. If I were you, I would read the book as soon as possible
              d. I suppose he was the best children’s author of all times

              Jason: I have a perfect question for you, Lady Bookworm. If you had
              a chance to be any literary heroine for a day, who would you be?
              April: I would be Matilda. No doubt in my mind.
              Jason: Matilda? Aha! Isn’t she the girl with a magical mind? I haven’t read the book,
              but I’ve watched the movie on TV once.
              April: Yeah, she has a special telekinetic power that can move anything she stares at.
              I love her genius intelligence and superpowers.  (1) ________. The world needs
              more girls like Matilda.
              Jason: OK. I will. By the way, who’s the author of Matilda?
              April: Roald Dahl. He published this life-changing story in 1988.  (2) ________.
              Jason: He really knows the fact that everyone wants magical powers. (3) ________.
              What superpower do you wish you had?
              April: (4) ________. And I could move things with mental power.
              Jason: If you focus really hard, you can do it. There’s magic inside all of us.
              April: It only happens in books and anime, Jason, and it will also happen in my book. I’ll write a life-changing
              novel for kids and teens.
              Jason: I’m looking forward to reading your book, Lady Bookworm. Oh, my coffee is cold. I wish I had the
              superpower to keep my coffee eternally hot.
              April: Haha, that’s hilarious!
          5.  Now, prepare a similar dialog about your favorite literary hero or heroine. Then, act it out with
              your partner.
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