P. 60

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  •  Making comparisons
                                  •  Talking about different kinds of clothing and shopping    Theme 10
                                  •  Describing objects and people
                                                                                               Shopping    28
          1.  Listen to a conversation at a boutique and match the clothes to the people. One is extra.
                 Tapescript 10.1.1
                a.             b.                   c.             d.
                                                                                 1. Lucy ____
                                                                                 2. Brenda ____
                                                                                 3. Brenda’s father ____

          2.  Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).
              1. Brenda is looking for something to wear on a special occasion. ____
              2. Lucy thinks the skirts are more beautiful than the dress. ____
              3. Brenda will spend less money if she buys the dress. ____
              4. Lucy looks skinnier in baggy jeans. ____
              5. Of all the colors, Brenda’s father likes black and white best. ____

          3.  Look at the chart and compare the people using the words in parentheses.

                Mary Griffin                                    Courtney  Blake
                Age: 61                                         Age: 23
                Height: 1.58 m                                  Height: 1.80 m
                Weight: 60 kg                                   Weight: 50 kg
                Job: retired                                    Job: model
                Way of dressing: casual                         Way of dressing: trendy
                Shopping habits: rarely                         Shopping habits: often
                Money spent on clothes: £200                    Money spent on clothes: £14,000

                Mary is older than Courtney
              1. __________________________________________. (old)
              2. __________________________________________. (tall)
              3. __________________________________________. (heavy)
              4. __________________________________________. (busy)
              5. __________________________________________. (dress comfortably)
              6. __________________________________________. (do shopping)
              7. __________________________________________. (spend money)

          4.  Look at the information in the chart. Compare the movies using the adjectives below.

                  old    interesting  long   expensive    good    successful   bad      cheap     popular
              e.g.   The Karate Kid is older than The Hunger Games.
                        Jumanji is the shortest movie.
                                                                First                 Running     Movie
                                   Movie                                   Budget
                                                              released                  time      rating
               The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring  2001   $93 million  178 min.     88%
               The Karate Kid                                   1984     $8 million   127 min.     68%
               Jumanji                                          1995     $65 million  104 min.     70%
               The Hunger Games                                 2012     $78 million  142 min.     74%
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65