P. 63

4.  Read the text and fill in the blanks with the types of shoppers below.

         THE ROLE SHOPPER                       SHOPPERS IN THE FAMILY                        THE VALUE SHOPPER

                         When we ask ourselves why we shop, the first answer that comes to mind
                         is because we need something we don’t have yet. However, the motivation
                         behind shopping is different for everybody.
                         In my family, everybody shops with different intentions. My dad, Mark, is a
                         bit thrifty. He always seeks the most economical offer. He hates paying money
      “I love shopping for my family.  to a product more than it deserves. He compares the prices in different shops   “I want the best deal.”
          I am the gift giver.”                                                             “Which is the cheapest one?”
          (family oriented)  and makes his decision. He is ____.                                (bargain hunter)

                         My mom, Beth, is ____. She goes shopping for all home members. She exactly
              a.                                                                                    c.
                         knows who needs what, and she buys the best for each of us. She also loves
        THE  SOCIAL SHOPPER  buying little presents for everybody. She’s the most caring person I’ve ever   THE  ADVENTURER
                         My older sister, Penny, is a social butterfly. She goes shopping to see her
                         friends. She loves hanging out and having lunch with her besties at the mall
                         rather than shopping. She is literally ____.

                         My younger sister, Judy! She is ____ of the family. She goes shopping almost
        “Let’s meet at the mall.”  every day. If she isn’t at home, she is probably out, discovering the newest   “Shopping is my life!
       “I’m happy to come along   cosmetics shop at a mall. My dad gets furious when he sees her shopping   Let’s go and find the best
           and help you!”                                                                        dress ever!”
       (best friends - moral support)  receipts every month. She is a shopping addict!         (hunter - gatherer)

              b.                                                                                    d.
          5.  Read the text again and guess who said the sentences given in the speech bubbles. Write the
              names in each blank.
               The red jacket is       $50 for a garden       Do you have a larger   Of course, I’ll come
               much more stylish       hose? No way! I can    size? My son is tall   with you to buy that
               than the blue one, but   buy both a garden     and well-built. This   nice dress! After that,
               I loved the blue one    hose and a shovel      will be a present for   we may sit at a café
               as well! I think I’ll buy   for that price at the   him.              and enjoy ourselves.
               both! Sorry, dad…       other store!

                     a.______               b.______               c.______               d.______

          6.  a. Work in pairs. Talk about your best friends in the classroom and describe them as in the example.
              e.g.  Tim: Who is your best friend and what’s he/she like?
                   Shelly: My best friend is Daisy. She is so generous, caring and friendly. I love spending time with her.
                   Tim: What does she look like?
                   Shelly: She is blonde, and she has blue eyes. She’s wearing glasses. Who is your best friend?
                   Tim: My best friend is Matt. He is so trustworthy and funny.

              b.  Now, write your opinions about your best friend you have talked about.
              My best friend is

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