P. 64

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  •  Making comparisons
                                  •  Talking about different kinds of clothing and shopping    Theme 10
                                  •  Describing objects and people
                                                                                               Shopping    30
          1.  Listen to the radio announcement and fill in the chart.  Tapescript 10.3.1                     L3

                                  SUSPECT 1          SUSPECT 2
               Height             tall
               Build                                 skinny
               Complexion         tanned
               Hair               thick,
               Eyes               green              slanting

               Lips                                  thin
               Special Features                      tattoo on his left arm

           2.  Listen to the announcement again and write what the second suspect was wearing.

          3.  Read the dialog between Sue and her grandma and fill in the blanks with the given sentences.
              a. It’s really much better for you
              b. It’s becoming more popular
              c. OK, but offline shopping is more exhausting
              d. Online stores are cheaper

               Sue: Why don’t you try online shopping, grandma?
               (1)____  among  all  age  groups.  Believe  me,  it’s
               easier and more convenient than offline shopping.
               Everything is literally at your fingertips.
               Grandma: Honey,  it’s  not  something  that  I  feel
               comfortable.  When  I’m  shopping  offline,  I’m  able
               to touch and feel the product. I love doing a quality
               analysis on my own.
               Sue: (2)____. You have to wait in long lines for billing. If you shop online, you can buy whatever you
               want in seconds. It’s really faster and less stressful.
               Grandma: Hmm... That sounds good, but I’m still not convinced. Do online stores deliver products
               Sue: Sure, you’ll see your product perfectly at your doorstep. It helps you save more time.
               Grandma: Well, I’m not sure about the prices of online stores. They’re more expensive, I suppose. I don’t
               wanna waste my money.
               Sue: Sorry, grandma, but I don’t agree with you. (3)____.They regularly announce discounts whereas
               physical stores offer only seasonal discounts.
               Grandma: Oh, that’s nice. I think I’ll give it a try.
               Sue: Great! All you need is to use your laptop to shop online while having your tea or coffee. You’ll enjoy
               shopping in your comfort zone. (4) ____.

           4.  a. Which one is better, online shopping or offline shopping. Discuss your reasons with your classmates.

              b.Now, prepare a dialog with your partner comparing online and offline shopping. Then, act it out.

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