P. 47

5.  Read the texts and write the name of the festival next to its type. One is extra.
              1. Religious festival: ___________________________
              2. Music festival: ___________________________
              3. Art and culture festival: ___________________________
              The Venice Carnival, which is one of the most popular events in Venice, is an annual
              festival  held  in  February.  During  the  two-week-long  festival,  hundreds  of  people
              wearing masks and colorful costumes fill the streets and squares of this beautiful
              Italian city. Plenty of entertaining events are organized around the city throughout
              the festival.  The visitors can enjoy the parades, masked costume competitions, public
              shows and exhibitions. St. Mark’s Square is the center of public events and they are
              free  of  charge.  On  the  other  hand,  the  masked  balls  are  usually  organized  in  old
              Venetian buildings and palaces, and the entrance tickets are quite expensive.

              The Whirling Dervishes Festival is annually held in Konya to commemorate the life
              and teachings of the great Sufi poet, Mevlana, who is best known as Rumi in the world.
              Depending on the Islamic religious calendar, the date of the celebration changes every
              year, but it’s usually in November or December.  Thousands of visitors from all over
              the world gather for this spiritual journey.  The week-long festival is full of prayers,
              Sufi  dance  and  music  ceremonies,  which  is  called  Sema.    When  the  music  starts,
              the spectators are all amazed by the Mevlevi Sema Ceremony that is performed by
              whirling dervishes. Get your entrance tickets in advance for this breathtaking mystic
              ritual and pay attention to the dress code.

          6.  Read the texts again and answer the questions.
              1. What kind of events are organized during the Venice Carnival?
              2. Which events are you supposed to pay for in the Venice Carnival?
              3. Why is the Whirling Dervishes Festival held?
              4. Why is the Whirling Dervishes Festival held on different dates each year?
              5. Which of the festivals attracts you most? Why?
          7.  Read the tips for organizing a music festival at school and match each step with the related question.

                                           How to Organize a Music Festival
              a. First, set up a festival planning committee and hold regular meetings.
              b. Second, conduct a survey and get information about students’ interests.
              c. Next, make a list of the necessary equipment (e.g. barriers, a stage, sound equipment, etc.)
              d. Then, plan food & beverage stands and other fun activities.
              e. After that, calculate the expenses and make a budget.
              f.  Finally, make an announcement about the event and sell the tickets.
              1. What kind of music is preferred by most of the students? ____
              2. How much money is needed to hold the festival? ____
              3. What kind of things are required for music performances? ____
              4. Has everyone been informed about their duties and responsibilities? ____
              5. When will the festival date and other details be posted on the school website? ____
              6.  Are light refreshments and fast food sold during the festival? ____
          8.  Plan a school event following the steps in exercise 7. Take notes and then make a presentation.

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