P. 86

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11


          Conversation 3                                   Brian: See? When we go on holiday, our neighbor looks after my
          Woman: Where should we go for dinner tonight, honey?  hedgehog. He is so easy to look after.
          Man: Let’s go somewhere where we can watch football match.  Daniel: Hmm. Maybe you’re right on this point. Besides, your hedgehog
                                                           doesn’t cause trouble in the garden, either. My dog always digs big holes
          Woman: Who on earth says dinner with football! I hate having   in our garden and my dad gets really angry.
          dinner when my partner focuses on other things except me.  Brian: Oh, that’s too bad. I feel the same way that dogs can cause some
          Man: Really, why?                                problems in the garden. On the other hand, I think hedgehogs are very
          Woman: Because we don’t talk much. We need to talk, you know.  good for a garden. They eat things that gardeners hate.
          Man: Fair enough. We’ll go somewhere where we won’t be distracted.
          I’ll check the score when I get home.            Tapescript: 10.3.1
          Woman: Thanks. I appreciate that.               William: So, what did you think of Mr. Nelson and his “Today’s
                                                          Technology” course?
          Tapescript: 10.1.1                              Samantha: It was not only interesting but also exciting! In the first
                                                          lesson, he asked us to choose one thing we can’t do without. So, both
          In my opinion, the world we are living in today is not the same as it   Richard and Sylvia chose their digital cameras. Ha ha! Guess why?
          was yesterday. Neither will it be the same tomorrow. What I mean is
          that through technology, man has established a system of rapid change.   William: That’s not a hard question. Because neither of them can stop
          Not only the world is getting smaller but also it is becoming cohesive   taking photos of themselves.
          indeed because man conquered both the oceans and the deserts. To   Samantha: And, Celine chose her radio.
          make it clear, it’s known that there are only a few places left on earth   William: Well… In my opinion, it is a bit old-fashioned. Why?
          that are still a mystery to man. However, in some cases, people have
          become the slaves of the technology they have created. As opposed to   Samantha: She listens to it until late hours every night.
          this, I wholeheartedly believe that man must always be the master of   William: Hmm… I see. And, what about Larry?
          technology regarding all the values and norms of life including respect   Samantha: You can guess, can’t you?
          for all beings. I feel responsible to remind everybody of this fact because   William: His mobile phone?
          thanks to technology, man somehow feels to have the right to involve
          the others’ lives easily, which I totally disagree with. To sum up, my   Samantha: That was his first choice, but then he changed his mind. I
          claim is that besides supporting the technological advances to some   also thought he spent his entire life sending text messages.
          extent, man should respect each other regarding the values and norms.  William: Then, I personally feel that he chose his coffee machine.
                                                          Samantha: Ah, that’s absolutely right! It’s a kind of new toy for him
          Tapescript: 10.2.1                              because whenever I see him around, his mug is always with him,
          Daniel: Well, I love all animals Brian, but why on earth did you want   regardless of the time. I mean, not only in the mornings but also late
          a hedgehog? I mean, they don’t do anything, do they? I strongly think   at night.
          that dogs are different. I can take my dog for a walk. However, you can’t   William: I feel the same. And to my opinion, Frances chose her
          do anything with a hedgehog.                    microwave.
          Brian: Ha ha, very funny! If I told you he was a good friend, you   Samantha: Yes, you’re right, again. I believe she lives on convenience
          probably wouldn’t believe me.                   food. I’ve never seen her cooking.
          Daniel: Hmm… How?                               William: And, the last one! I think Norman decided that he couldn’t
          Brian: For example, while I was in the garden the other evening, he   live without his television.
          came out of the bushes and sat on the grass beside me.  Samantha: Oh, ha ha! He watches it a lot, doesn’t he?
          Daniel: He was probably hoping you’d give him some food.
          Brian: No, he catches his own food such as worms and that kinds of
          things in the garden. Though, I sometimes give him dog food and milk.
          He really likes milk.
          Daniel: Hmm… Somebody told me that hedgehogs are active at night
          and sleep in the daytime. Then, that’s great! You know he’s there, but
          you never see him!
          Brian: Well, that’s not completely true! He does sleep a lot during the
          day, but he comes out in the evenings, especially in the summer. And,
          you told me that your dog sleeps a lot, too.
          Daniel: That’s true. But, he does wake up for a walk at least!
          Brian: I think hedgehogs are friendly animals, though. When my sister
          had her birthday party in the garden, he came out and sat close to the
          table. How cute!
          Daniel: I still believe dogs are friendlier. My dog sits under the table
          when we have dinner.
          Brian: Of course he does since he’s always hungry.
          Daniel: Well…
          Brian: And, what happens when you and your family go to Madrid on
          Daniel: Hmm. Sometimes one of our cousins looks after him. But, as
          he is so big, they don’t really like doing it, so we often have to put him
          in kennels.
          Brian: Do you think he likes that?
          Daniel: In fact, he hates it.

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