P. 83
ENGLISH 11 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
Tapescript: 5.1.1 things missing, too and thought someone might have come and
Hello my beloveds. This is the third one I have recorded my wishes stolen it.
and regrets about the past for my children. I have been recording Presenter: What did you do then?
these because I am too old to write in my diary. The recording is Mrs Kaya: Well, I phoned the police. When they arrived quickly
time-saving. Well, I wish I had started investing in real estate at a after I had called, we walked into the kitchen together. At that
young age. That’s why I will not leave, any behind. I didn’t save up moment, we heard a mobile phone ringing, and I got nervous and
for retirement. If I had saved up some, I would have been a little bit thought that someone must have been in the kitchen when I was in
relaxed and you wouldn’t have sent me any money. I am regretful my bedroom. We saw a mobile phone on the chair, and one of the
about this issue. I wish I had taken care of my body well. You know, police officers answered it.
the older you are, the weaker your body is. Today’s recording is
intended to give a message briefly about living a life fulfilled without Presenter: What happened then?
any regrets over some large aspect of our lives. Don’t let your time Mrs Kaya: Actually, it was very funny. On the phone’s screen, the
go to waste. policeman saw the word “Mum”. It can’t have been my mum. The
policeman talked to her and asked what her son’s name was and
Tapescript: 5.2.1 where he lived. Finally, it didn’t take too long to find the thief, and I
got everything back.
Ken: The last time I went to a restaurant was about 10 months
ago. My wife Mary and I wanted to celebrate my wife’s birthday
with a good meal, so we went to an expensive Indian restaurant in Tapescript: 6.2.1
downtown Soho. We both had spicy pasta to start, and as for the A: It was quite a good party, wasn’t it?
main course, my wife couldn’t order anything because the spicy
pasta must have caused a terrible pain in her stomach. If we had B: Yes… Though there were lots of people we didn’t know. I’m not
chosen an Italian restaurant that fits our diet, we would have happily that keen on going around introducing myself to strangers.
celebrated my wife’s birthday. A: Oh, I enjoy new faces… and everyone was very friendly.
Maria: I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister’s B: They certainly were! I heard enough about the people’s life stories
children. It was not a good decision for me because I am not to last me a lifetime!
accustomed to eating out with three little children. I should have A: Oh, there was one woman who told me all about her summer
invited my sister, too. Although the restaurant wasn’t very expensive, holiday. In great detail.
the menu was very limited. I wish the menu had offered some more B: Was that the woman with long wavy brown hair? She was wearing
different kinds of food. We all had a burger and French fries and big red earrings.
drank ayran. It wasn’t a very good experience for me.
A: No, that can’t have been. You might be talking about the woman
with ginger hair wearing a blue dress.
Tapescript: 5.3.1
B: I don’t remember exactly. Ginger-haired woman must have been
Michelle: “It was about two years ago, and I was on holiday in the the one talking about her adventure story-the whole plot of the
very far north of Holland with Kerry. I was driving back to Zaanse stories! Can you imagine how I might have thought about her?
Schans through the midlands, which is not at all particularly
interesting. I wanted to have lunch ‘cos I was starving, so I was A: Yes, I am certain that you must have gotten bored with her
passing through a very ordinary little village and saw an ordinary, story. And the one with red earrings must have been the woman
small coffee shop and I went into it. I wish I hadn’t been there. If talking about her summer holiday in detail. Do you remember
I hadn’t chosen a sandwich with traditional cheese and a cup of the man with short dark hair, wearing glasses and blue stripped
strong, dark coffee, I would have driven home before it got dark. suit? He was talking about the narrow escape he’d had when his
I wish I hadn’t had to go to hospital because of my stomachache.” village was flooded last winter. He was lucky that the fire brigade
Kevin: “It was about two years ago, and I was on holiday in the rescued him.
very far north of Holland with Michelle. She was driving back to B: Wow, yes yes, that was the story of him starting with “Well, if it
Zaanse Schans through the midlands, which is not at all particularly hadn’t happened, it might not have happened like that bla bla
interesting and I was listening to music. Suddenly, she said she was bla” Ha ha ha!
hungry and suggested having a local cheese sandwich in a little A: He must have felt terrified when he was trapped on the roof of his
coffee shop where there were hardly any people in or around. I was a house for fifteen hours!
little bit critical about her choice, but I agreed on the condition that B: Certainly! Anyway, it was a good party!
she wouldn’t insist me on trying the local cheese sandwich. When
we reached home, I felt that I was lucky. She shouldn’t have chosen a
deserted shop. The products might have probably been partly fresh Tapescript: 6.3.1
or not. It was risky.” Mum: Here is another mug of coffee. Do you know it’s already a
quarter to midnight.
Tapescript: 6.1.1
Daughter: Thanks, mum. I don’t know why I always seem to end up
Presenter: Now for some other news. Yesterday, Mrs Kaya from studying in the last minute. I know it is silly and it is not a good idea.
Rize was very surprised when she got home from work. She’s on the
phone in our news studio. Hello, Mrs Kaya! Thanks for talking to us. Mum: You shouldn’t have postponed your revisions dear. You know,
Can you tell us what happened and what might it have been? a month or so before the exams start, you should have sat down and
planned all the work you have to do. If you had done it, you might
Mrs Kaya: Yes, of course. Well, I arrived home from work… not have been in such a hurry and ended up working in the middle
Presenter: What time did you arrive home? of the night….
Mrs Kaya: It was about six thirty in the evening.
Presenter: Was anyone at home? Tapescript: 7.1.1
Mrs Kaya: No, I live with my daughter, Meryem, but she wasn’t Anna: Hi, Danilo! Welcome back from summer vacation. Did you
at there. She is on holiday with her friends this week. That night, have a good time in Muğla?
I went into my bedroom to take off my clothes. I knew something Danilo: Yes, it was a great holiday. Muğla is the most exciting city I
was wrong because I never leave my wardrobe open when I leave have ever visited.
my bedroom. My wardrobe was open. I looked in it and saw that Anna: Where were you exactly?
my very expensive coat wasn’t there. I looked around and saw other