P. 81

ENGLISH 11                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü


           Tapescript: 1.1.1                              Suna Hürtekin: I’m glad to be here, thanks for your invitation.
          Secretary: Hello. Welcome to DPNR Language School. This is   Radio host: It’s an honour for us. Well, could you please tell us about
          Amine. How can I help you?                      yourself? I know the audience are curious about your story.
          Applicant: Hello. My name is İsmet Çetinkaya. I’m calling to apply   Suna Hürtekin: Well, I’m a graduate of Boğaziçi University, studied
          for the position in an ad from the newspaper.   Civil Engineering there and I have a master’s degree in France. I
          Secretary: Oh, it’s great. All the applicants should send their CVs   worked for well-known companies.
          and a handwritten reference letter to the email address in that ad by   Radio host: Vaoww, long time away from hometown! When did you
          August 20 .                                     come back to Turkey?
          Applicant: Yeah, I know, I’ve sent them and got an interview   Suna Hürtekin: I returned to Turkey in 2005.
          invitation. I’m calling to make a job interview appointment.  Radio host: What about your web service company?  You know your
          Secretary: Ah, sorry. OK then, let me see the interview schedule.   innovative company appeals to everyone.
          Hang on a moment, please.                       Suna Hürtekin: Well, It was a very challenging decision to start
          Applicant: OK, I’m on the line.                 a business because, as you guess, there are many risks. It is my
          Secretary: We would like to invite you here on 25  August at 1 p.m.  corporation that brings together those who need service, experts in
                                                          their fields and organisations over the internet. The website reaches
          Applicant: I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an   more than 1.3 million visitors and more than 7 million page views per
          appointment at my dentist that day. How about 23  August? If that is   month. It is incredible.
          OK with you, I’m free in the afternoon.         Radio host:  An impressive entrepreneur spirit! Congratulations! Tell
          Secretary: Well, let me check, Oh, sure! That will be good for us to   us about your company’s future a little bit, please.
          meet at 3 p.m. Looking forward to seeing you at 3 p.m. on August
          23 . Can I confirm your email address so I can send you the details?  Suna Hürtekin: Thank you. Nowadays, my company has received 3,2
                                                          million dolars in total investment and has been working with 75.000
                                                          service providers.  We have grown by 700 percent in the last year. So,
           Tapescript: 1.2.1                              I undoubtedly say that my startup company will have doubled up by
          Laura: Hey, Mikail, I read a travel blog yesterday and thought of   the end of the year.
          planning our friends’ meeting on New Year.      Radio host: That’s impressive. I hope you will gain your future goals.
          Mikail: Ah, that sounds great, Laura. What are we going to do, then?   Thanks for joining us and sharing precious information about your
          Laura: Well, first of all, to make a legendary party we need to   company. Well my dear audience, now ads.
          decide the place. I think Jane’s home with its huge garden will be a
          wonderful party place.
                                                           Tapescript: 2.1.1
          Mikail: I’m of a different opinion because you know Jane’s grandma
          is living with them and that will be a burden for an old.  1   Olive:    Which one would you rather do at the moment? Go diving
                                                            or go swimming?
          Cenk: Neither, am I.                               Nancy:  None of them! I would rather lie on the sunbed.
          Jane:  Hey guys, I agree with Laura in principle, but promise me that
          we will clean the house altogether after the party. Mikail, thanks for   2    I would prefer to eat pasta with cheese with my friends this
          your concern about my grandma, but she will be welcoming New   evening rather than dine  at a luxury restaurant.
          Year with her friends from college at one of her friend’s house. Oldies   3    My wife likes  walking by the seaside better than going  to gym.
          but goldies, hahaha!                            4    I prefer vegetables to meat.
          Cenk:  Waoow! A seventy nine year old girl will be having a party   5    I would rather watch  a historical movie than a horror movie.
          with her friends from college! That’s awesome. I hope she will enjoy
          that day.                                       6    I prefer listening to rock music to listening to rap music.
          Laura: That’s exactly what I think, Cenk and Jane, don’t worry about
          cleaning the house. We will be having after party cleaning session   Tapescript: 2.2.1
          altogether.                                     1    Doing puzzles and crosswords
          Mikail: I agree with Laura. Thanks for hosting us, Jane.   2    Music
                                                          3    Arts
          Cenk: So, do I.                                 4    Volunteering
          Laura: Ok then, here is the plan. We are going to meet in front of   5    Joining in a sports team
          JKL Shopping Mall on December 30  at 3 p.m. We will be doing   6    Being a blogger
          shopping for the party altogether till 4.30 p.m. And then, after going   7    Learning a new language
          home, the guys will have decorated the garden and the living room   8    Caring for animals or children
          by the time the gals finish the food and beverage preparations. Let’s   9    Running your own online store
          see the ones down with the plan!                10   Reading
          Cenk: I am in.                                  11   DIY
                                                          12   Social hobbies like teaching
          Mikail: There’s no doubt that I’m in.           13   Technological hobbies
          Jane: Great plan, I’m totally in.               13   Travelling
          Laura: Nice to hear that. Thank you all, hope to see you all on 30
          December at 3 p.m. in front of the JKL Shopping Mall.   Tapescript: 2.3.1
                                                          Brad Thompson  couldn’t be successful in any business attempt in
                                                          his early life. He was expelled from an apprenticeship with a cook.
           Tapescript: 1.3.1                              Although he started his candy and chocolate production with a
         Radio host: You’re listening to Mark’s  Innovative  Hours with   failure again, he didn’t give up trying.  He founded the Chocolate-
         Mark on Business Radio. Today, we’re hosting one of the youngest   Caramel Company and started seeing good results. He could create a
         entrepreneurs, Suna Hürtekin, the creator of today’s most functional   brand not only in chocolate world but also in social life. He founded
         web services. Welcome Suna, Thanks for accepting our invitation in   a dispensary, a school, an amusement park and even a zoo. Believing
         spite of your busy schedule.                     in his vision for milk chocolate  and caramel demand, he eventually
                                                          founded the Thompson’s Chocolate, and it becomes renowned all
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