P. 76

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Talking about landmarks and monuments   Theme 7
                       •  Describing cities and historic sites  Facts About Turkey 21
                       •  Asking for and giving more detailed information
                                                     L3     4.  Answer the questions according to the text above.
             1.  Prepare a presentation about a historical site that you always want to visit.
               Sts own answers
                                                              1    What is the text mainly about?
                                                                It’s about the early settlements in Anatolia
             2.  Listen to the interview and answer the following questions.  Tapescript 7.3.1     ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1   Many people live near Cape Town because of the  .............................................. .  2    How the symbols were made on the obelisks in Göbeklitepe?
                                                                They were made by embossing or carving
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 a    climate     b    fruit   c    people
                                                              3    What kind of architectures are there in Ephesus?
               2   The Garden Route is nice because of the  ...................................... .  In addition to Library of Celsus, there are ancient roads, a theatre, hillside houses and many other archaeological findings
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 a    plants     b    rain   c    temperature
                                                              4    What is the main feature of Myra Ancient City?
                                                                It can be described as the most important trade and port city of its period. Also, it is considered as the
               3   Because of global warming, South Africa has had  .............................................. .     ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 a    more tourism     b    bigger waves  c    hotter temperatures  centre of sea transportation
               4   Floral Kingdom is a/an ............................................. .  5.  Rewrite the sentences as in the example. Don’t forget there will be no change in the meanings.
                 a    amusement park    b    heritage site  c    old castle  Example:   The people developed an easy transportation system.
                                                                  An easy transportation system was developed by the people.
               5   .............................................. go to the Floral Kingdom.
                 a    South Africans        b    Europeans  c    Scientists and tourists  1    We can see the excitement on his face.
                                                                The excitement on his face can be seen
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              2    The students will create different kinds of robots for their science projects.
             3.  Read the text and decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).       Different kinds of robots will be created by the students for their science projects
                                                                ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              3    Many of our neighbors haven’t seen our new furniture.
                               Early Settlements in Anatolia    Our new furniture hasn’t been seen by many of our neighbors
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                          Anatolia is a kind of home to many civilizations from classical cities
                          scattered along the coast to ancient sites that date back to the earliest   6.  Think  of  a  famous  landmark  or  building  and  prepare  a  small  description  card  of  it.  Don’t
                          periods of human history. Here is important information about some of   write the name of the place in your description. Take it in turns to read your descriptions with
                                                              your classmates. And, let your classmates try to guess the famous landmark or building you
                          Göbeklitepe  is  located  in  Şanlıurfa.  The  common  feature  of  the   described.  Sts own answers
                          buildings in Göbeklitepe is that 10-12 T-shaped obelisks are arranged
                          in a circular plan and they are built with stone walls. Human, hand and   7.  Write a text about a touristic place for the e-magazine of your school using the plan below and
                          arm,  various animals and abstract  symbols were  made on  many  of   your own ideas.
                          these obelisks by embossing or carving.   •
                          The  Ancient City  of  Ephesus, which is  perhaps one of  the  most   •   Introduction: Set the scene (name and location of the place, reason(s) for choosing the place)
                          important ancient cities of our country, is located in Selçuk, İzmir. Being   •   Main Body: Overall look and particular details (sights, facilities, free time activities, local food, etc.)
                          one of the cultural and scientific centers of its period, the city attracts   Conclusion: Feelings and final thoughts about the place and recommendations about the musts
                          attention with its unique structures. In addition to the Library of Celsus,
                          there are ancient roads, a theatre,  hillside  houses and many other   Sts own answers
                          archaeological findings in Ephesus.
                          Myra Ancient City, which  belongs  to the 5 th  century B.C., is located
                          in Demre, Antalya. It can be described as the most important trade
                          and port city of its period. Also, it is considered as the center of sea
                          transportation. The ancient city, which is home to the rock tombs of
                          the Lycian Civilization, the Ancient Theatre and the Church of Saint
                          Nicholas, was very important in every period from the Lycian Civilization
                          to the Roman and Byzantine.
               1     Anatolia hosted many different kinds of civilizations throughout history.  T
               2     Animals and symbols were made on the obelisks in Göbeklitepe.    T
               3     Library of Celsus is the only important architecture in Ephesus.  F
               4     No archaeological findings were achieved in Ephesus.   F
               5     Myra Ancient City played an essential role throughout history.   T
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                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Reporting news         Theme 8
                       •  Making interview       Sports 22
                       •  Talking about sports
             1.  Listen to the dialog and answer the questions below.   Tapescript 8.1.1  1    Which sport do they talk about?
                                                                They talk about orienteering
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1   What is the main sport they are talking about?
                                                              2    What are the basics of orienteering?
                                                                It is the sport of navigation, often held in unfamiliar terrain, using a map and compass
                 a    Football     b    Baseball   c    Basketball     ................................................................................................................................................... .
               2   Comparing baseball and football, which one is more fun?  3    Which equipment do people need for that sport?
                                                                They need a compass, an electronic punch, emergency whistle, map, running or hiking shoes, comfortable clothes. Optional
                                                                equipment may include a watch for timing, cell phone-only for emergencies, or a control description holder
                 a    Baseball     b    Football   c    Too different to compare      ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              4    How is orienteering helpful for children?
               3   Why doesn’t one of the guys follow football at all?  It is helpful for them in using their sense of navigation and it is an accepted fact that orienteering
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                supports students in geography lessons at schools
                 a    He has no interest in the game.
                 b    He has never understood the rules of the game.
                                                            4.  Read the  sentences numbered 1-6 in  the  interview.  Then,  report  these sentences as in  the
                 c    It’s too boring to watch for him.
                                                              example. Use the appropriate phrases in the box.
             2.  Share your ideas about football and baseball with your friend. Then, report each other’s ideas   tells that…  informs us that…  suggests that…
               as in the example.
                                                                          adds that…  wants to know that…
               Example:   Mehmet says that baseball is played between two teams of nine players.
                   Selin tells me that she is not interested in football.  1    The interviewer asked the trainer if he could tell them the basics of orienteering.
                                                                The interviewer wants to know if people need some special equipment to start orienteering
                   Sts own answers                            2    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                The trainer tells that no special equipment is required.
             3.  Read the interview below and answer the questions.  3    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                The trainer informs us that we should receive a map at the start.
                       Interviewer:  Mr. Alimova, you say that orienteering is your passion. Please,   4    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                The trainer adds that optional equipment might include a watch for timing, cell phone-only for
                             tell us more about your passion.  5    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                emergencies, or a control description holder.
                                                                The trainer suggests that parents encourage their children to start orienteering.
                         Trainer:   OK. I have been doing orienteering since I was 12 years old. I’ve   6    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                             been working as a trainer for the last ten years and have many
                             young students for the World Rogaining Championships 2021.  5.  Make a similar interview with your friends as in Exercise 3.  Ask and answer about a sport you
                       Interviewer:  Impressive! Mr. Alimova, could you please tell us the basics of   have searched on the Net.
                             orienteering?  1
                         Trainer:   Sure. Orienteering is the sport of  navigation, often  held in   Student A   Student B
                             unfamiliar terrain, using a map and compass. It is easy to learn   You are the interviewer. Ask the sport   You are the sport manager. Answer the
                             and a fun way to exercise your body and mind simultaneously   manager at least five questions about the   interviewer’s questions and give detailed
                             while enjoying the outdoors.           sport you’ve chosen.  information about the sport.
                       Interviewer:  Do people need any special equipment to start orienteering?  2
                         Trainer:   Well, to take up this hobby, no special equipment is required.  3    Sts own answers
                             You need a compass, electronic punch and emergency whistle
                             if required at the events. You should receive a map at the start.  4    6.  Report the information you have gained through your interview in Exercise 5. Write the answers
                             Also, running or hiking shoes, comfortable clothes and especially   of the sport manager as in the example below.
                             long pants are recommended. These are the typical equipment   Example:   The sport manager says that tennis is played on the court. He explains that you need a racket and
                             you know. Besides, I want to add that optional equipment may   tennis ball to play it.
                             include a watch for timing, cell phone-only for emergencies, or
                             a control description holder.  5
                       Interviewer:  What do you recommend  to parents  about orienteering?  I   Sts own answers
                             mean, how helpful is orienteering for children?
                         Trainer:   Well, I  suggest that  they encourage their children to  start
                             orienteering.  6  It  is helpful  for them in using their sense of
                             navigation and it is an accepted fact that orienteering supports
                             students in geography lessons at schools.
                       Interviewer:  Thank you Mr.  Alimova. We wish you luck in the World
                             Rogaining Championships 2021.
                         Trainer:   Thank you.
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