P. 74

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing degrees of certainty in the past   Theme 6
                       •  Expressing the criticism for the events in the past  Open Your Heart 17
             1.  Listen to the dialog and find three people they are talking about.      Tapescript 6.2.1  3.  Match the highlighted words in Part 1 given in Box A with their similar meanings in Box B.
                                                              A  1   Dream    B  a    Not forget
               A A         B           C
                                                                2   Remember   b    Not allow
                                                                3   Demand     c    Develop
                                                                4   Improve    d    lmagine
                                                                5   Put out    e    Not quit
                                                                6   Reject     f   Want
                                                                7   Not give permission
                                                                               g  Extinguish
                                                                8   Not give up  h  Refuse
               D           E E         F F
                                                               1 d  2 a  3 f  4 c  5 g  6 h  7 b  8 e
                                                            4.  Make sentences about your personal experiences in the past using the verbs in Box A above.
                                                              e.g.    After l had dreamt of being an English teacher, l realized how much l had to work.
                                                                           Sts own answers
                                                              1    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                           Sts own answers
                                                              2    .................................................................................................................................................... .
             2.  Read the situations below. Then ask and answer the questions.  Sts own answers
                                                              3    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                           Sts own answers
               a   A classmate sitting near you had bad breath. What might have S/he eaten?  4    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                           Sts own answers
               b  The teacher got a phone call during online class yesterday and looked very worried. What could   5   .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                           Sts own answers
                 have happened?                               6   .................................................................................................................................................... .
               c   Your sister didn’t tidy her wardrobe. What should have she done?   Sts own answers
                                                              7   .................................................................................................................................................... .
                 Sts own answers                                           Sts own answers
                                                              8   .................................................................................................................................................... .
             3.  Rewrite the sentences with the structures given in the boxes.
                                                            5.  Think  about your childhood  dreams and write them
                 must have                    shouldn’t have  couldn’t have          might have  as in the example. Then, ask your friend what his/her
                                                              childhood dreams were.
               1    You took more clothes with you than you needed. (take)   e.g.    When I was 8 years old, l liked to play with wooden blocks as
                 You shouldn’t have taken so many clothes with you
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .  l wanted to be a construction engineer. I had already made up
               2    I thought there’d be a possibility to give a call and say you’d be late. (give)   my mind before l began school.
                 You might have given me a ring to say you’d be late
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               3    I’m sure they visited the famous museum in Germany. (visit)  Sts own answers
                 They must have visited the famous museum in Germany
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               4    Ted has been in Germany since April. It wasn’t possible that you saw him in Paris. (be)
                 It couldn’t have been Ted you saw in Paris
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
             4.  Tick the correct item according to the situations.
               1    Mark shouldn’t have spent his time watching TV last night.
                 √  a    Mark watched TV a lot last night.   b    Mark likes watching TV.
               2    Mary Nelson must have finished lunch by now.
                 √  a    I’m sure Mary Nelson has finished   b    I’m sure Mary Nelson hasn’t finished
                    lunch.            lunch.
                                                    37      28
                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing degrees of certainty in the past   Theme 6
                       •  Expressing the criticism for the events in the past  Open Your Heart 18
             1.  Imagine that you were a father/mother. What could you do if your kids always quarrelled a lot?    4.  Match the events on the left with their results on the right.
               How could you criticise your kids’ misbehaviours?   Sts own answers
                                                              1   He put his hand on a loose boulder.  a    He couldn’t call for help.
             2.  Read the paragraph and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
                                                              2   He didn’t bring a mobile phone.  b    He lost his balance.
                           ESCAPE FROM THE CANYON             3   He didn’t leave his family a note.  c    He was able to survive for a few hours.
                 Early in the morning of May 5, 2005, Yousuf Jacob left   4   He had a little water.    d    His family didn’t know where to look for him.
                 his home in the city of Samsun and headed west across
                 Vezirköprü through Şahinkaya Canyon in his truck. A   1 b  2 a  3 d  4 c
                 passionate climber was  planning a  day  hiking alone
                 in  the  Şahinkaya  Canyon,  Turkey’s  second-biggest
                 canyon. With the magnificent landscape stretching for   5.  Complete the sentences using the information from exercise 4 above.
                 miles all around, he parked the truck and continued on
                 his bike until the track ended. While he was riding his   1   If he had taken the phone with him,   he could have called for help.
                 bike, he thought what a lovely day without his phone   2   If he’d left a note,   his family might have known where to look for him.
                 notification beeps. Suddenly, he realized that he hadn’t got his phone. He thought he might   If it hadn’t been for the loose boulder,  he might not have lost his balance.
                 have forgotten to take it with him and the phone could have been in his home. Then he   3   he might not have been able to survive for a few hours.
                 realized that he had stopped at the gas station and talked with his colleague, then he had   4   If he hadn’t had some water,
                 gone to the toilets. He said “It can’t be at home. I must have put it somewhere at the gas
                 station.” in a certain tone. After deciding to take his phone back on the way home, he started
                 to climb down into the canyon when he put his hand on a boulder and it came loose. He   6.  Listen to the conversation between a mom and her daughter. Choose the best answer to the
                 lost his balance for a second and slipped down to the bottom of the canyon. The boulder   questions below.       Tapescript 6.3.1
                 came crashing after him and landed on his arm. In a few seconds the outing had turned
                 into a nightmare. Above, a sliver of blue sky was all he could see. But a Syrian family, a boy   1   What is the tone of the mom?
                 and a girl with their parents, were hiking by the canyon. At the bottom, it was impossible for
                 Mustafa to shout for help and even if he had done, it might have been pointless. To make   a    Happy  b    Ironic  c    Critical  d    Ironic and critical
                 matters worse, he hadn’t a mobile phone and hadn’t told anyone except his colleague where
                 he was going. He thought he should have been more careful about keeping his belongings.   2   What is the tone of the daughter?
                 All he had was 330 ml of water, two sandwiches, an apple and a small knife. The nightmare   a    Relaxed   b    Worried  c    Worried and satirical    d    Satirical
                 continued for almost two hours as he tried to keep his spirits up and think of a solution. But, at
                 this critical point, luck intervened and the Syrian family saw him at the bottom and called the
                 ambulance immediately. They couldn’t help him except calling for the ambulance because   7.  Listen to the conversation again. Write appropriate sentences about the mum’s criticisms to
                 they saw that he had been injured and his hand must have had a serious pain. They wouldn’t   her daughter.
                 have seen him if their daughter hadn’t dropped down her necklace to the canyon. Amazingly,   You shouldn’t have postponed your revisions
                 he managed to rappel down a 20-metre cliff with a bandaged hand and get out of the canyon.   1    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                You should have sat down and planned all the work you had to do
                 They-Yousuf and the Syrian family-started walking towards the road thanking and wishing   2    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                If you had done it, you might not have been in such a hurry and ended up studying in the middle of the night
                 good luck to each other.                     3    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                You shouldn’t have drunk too much coffee and eaten chocolate a lot
                                                              4    ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1     Yousuf Jacob had little hiking experience.    F
               2     He called for help at the gas station.   F  8.  Choose one of the photos below and write a paragraph about what might have happened.
               3     He climbed down to the bottom of the canyon and couldn’t get out.  T
               4     The Syrian family was also at the bottom of the canyon.   F  A  In photo A/B.   Sts own answers
               5     He was critical about himself because he lost his mobile phone.   T
               6   The Syrian family visited Yousuf after the accident.  NS
              3.  Match the highlighted words in the paragraph with their definitions below.
                1   Canyon  a    Get down a steep slope with a rope
                2   Boulder  b    Valley with very steep slides.
                3   Sliver  c    A large rock
                4   Rappel   d    A small, thin strip of something
                                        1 b  2 c  3 d  4 a
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