P. 70

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Describing events happening at the same time in the past   Theme 3
                       •  Explaining people’s habits in the past  Hard Times 9
                                                            3.  Listen to the dialog. While listening, fill in the chart with the information given by the woman.
             1.  Read the passage about the traditions in the Ottoman Empire and fill in the gaps in the diagram.  Tapescript 3.3.1
                    UNIQUE OTTOMAN TRADITIONS                                  POLICE REPORT QUESTIONS
                The Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and fell in 1923.   1   What was her name?   5   What were they wearing?
                This empire ruled for over 600 years, and during  those   When did it happen?
                years,  its  rule covered many continents including  Asia,   2         6   What happened?
                Africa and Europe.  This  long period played a huge     3   What was she doing?  7   How did they escape?
                role in establishing many unique Ottoman traditions.    4   How many people did she see?
                In those years, the rich Ottoman class provided
                charity without embarrassing the poor people. The
                Ottoman people used to check if their guests                WITNESS INFORMATION
                were hungry. They used to serve coffee with             Dorothy Marcus
                a glass of water. When the guest drank the     1    Her name was .................................................................................................................... .
                                                                        2 yesterday afternoon
                water before the coffee, it meant the guest    2    It happened at .................................................................................................................... .
                was hungry, and they used  to prepare  a                standing outside the bank
                nice meal for them.                            3    She was ............................................................................................................................. .
                                                                        two people running into the bank
                Another interesting tradition was a bunch of   4    She saw ............................................................................................................................. .
                                                                        wearing a black cap, a blue sweater and black trousers
                yellow flowers. They used to put a bunch of    5   The man was ..................................................................................................................... .
                                                                            came out
                                                                                          came out
                yellow flowers close to the houses of sick     6   After a few minutes, the man ........................ and then, the woman ................................. .
                people with the belief that the people         7   They got into a ................................................................................................................... .
                                                                        red car and drove away
                knew  the necessity to keep quiet
                and avoid any  disturbance in  or
                around the house.       Topic of the Passage  4.  Match the halves to make meaningful sentences.
                             Unique Ottoman Traditions        1   The students were running  a    when John started singing.
                                                              2   Alice was playing the violin  b    when she saw a big black dog.
                                                              3   Steve fell down  c    while it was running toward me.
                      Tradition 1         Tradition 2         4   My mom was drinking coffee   d    while he was skating.
                 They used to serve coffee with a glass of   They used to put a bunch of yellow flowers   5   My cat hurt its leg  e    when I went out.
                       water.         close to the houses of sick people.
                                                              6   Molin began to run  f    when the teacher entered the class.
                                                              7   The rain started
                                                                             g  when she finished her report.
                     Purpose of the Tradition 1  Purpose of the Tradition 2
                  To check if their guests were hungry.  To keep quiet and avoid disturbance in   1 f  2 b  3 d  4 a  5 c  6 g  7 e
                                        and around the house.
                                                            5.  Write the activities you used to do in your summer holidays. Then, talk about them with your
             2.  Read the passage again and answer the following questions.  Build a sand castle  fly a kite  eat ice cream  play computer games  have a picnic with parents
                                                                stay in a tent  go fishing with dad  play with dolls  ride a bike  skip rope  play soccer
               1   It can easily be understood from the passage that in the Ottoman culture, ...
                  a   people didn’t use to give respect to the elderly.  Example:
                  b    yellow flowers in front of a house meant there was a sick person in the house.  You
               2   In the passage, it is clear that …          I used to build sand castles when I   Sts own answers
                                                               was a child in summer holidays.
                  a   when you saw yellow flowers in front of a house, you couldn’t make noise.
                  b    they used to prepare a meal if the guest was full.
               3   According to the passage, …
                  a   the rich people didn’t use to hurt the feelings of the poor while helping them.
                  b    some rich people used to treat the poor people badly.
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                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       • •  Describing places, people, and events in the past    Describing places, people, and events in the past
                                                 Theme 4
                       • •  Ordering events  Ordering events  What a Life 10
                       • •  Talking about personal experiences in the past  Talking about personal experiences in the past
                                                            4.  Answer the questions according to the paragraph.
             1.  Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks.  Tapescript 4.1.1
               a    After Chris had .................. two languages, he ................... ready to go abroad.
               b    Before l ................... home, my parents had already ...................... their dinner.
               c    When his manager ....................... a new assignment, my father hadn’t .......................   Yesterday by
                 his former report yet.                              Beatles
               d    Had you ................. anything outside before you .................. home?
                                                                The Beatles recorded this song for
                                                                their album “Help” in 1965. The song
             2.  Read and complete the lyrics with the words given in the boxes.
                                                                was the best song of the 20 th  century
                    had to  was  said  yesterday                according  to the music  experts and
                                                                listeners in 1999. MTV and Rolling
                                                                Stone  Magazine  selected  the  song
                            YESTERDAY                           as the best pop song of all times.
                                                                Moreover, according to “The Guinness
                                      had to
                 Yesterday,      Why she  2 ………………….… go, I don’t   Book of Records”, “Yesterday” was the
                 All my troubles seemed so far away  know, she wouldn’t say      most covered version of any song ever
                 Now, it looks as though they’re here to stay  I   3 ……………….… something wrong, now   written.  The  song remained popular
                 Oh, I believe in   1 ……………………...  I long for yesterday     with more than three thousand cover
                 Suddenly,       Yesterday,
                 I’m not half the man I used to be  Love   4 ……………. such an easy game to
                 There’s a shadow hanging over me  play
                 Oh, yesterday came suddenly        Now, I need a place to hide away  1     What was the name of the album recorded in 1965?   The name of the album was “Help”.
                                 Oh, I believe in yesterday   2     Who voted for the song as the best song in 1999?   Music experts and listeners voted for it in 1999.
                                                                                         Yes, it did.
                                        John Lennon / Paul McCartney  3     Did the song appear in “The Guinness Book of Records”?
                                                              4   How many covers did the song have?   It had more than 3000 covers.
                                                              5   Did you know the song’s smash hit?   Students’ own answer.
                                                            5.  Write how about the things for you in the past.
                                                                          Sts own answers
                                                              1    Last year, l was  .............................................................................................................. .
                                                                          Sts own answers
                                                              2    In the lockdown in April,  .................................................................................................. .
                                                                          Sts own answers
                                                              3    l ..................................................................................................... on my last school day.
                                                                          Sts own answers
                                                              4    l .............................................................................................................. in 2020 summer.
                                                                          Sts own answers
                                                              5   I ................................................................................................. when l was 10 years old.
                                                                                    Sts own answers
                                                              6   After l had graduated from secondary school, l  ............................................................. .
             3.  What do you feel after reading the lyrics?  Is it happiness, sadness, anxiety or regret? Share your
               emotions with your friends.
               Sts own answers
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