P. 68

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing likes and dislikes   Theme 2
                       •  Expressing preferences  Hobbies and Skills 5
                       •  Talking about present and past abilities
                                                            3.  Ask your friend’s likes, dislikes, interests and preferences and write sentences about him/her.
             1.  Here are some hobbies and their reflections on your character. First, listen and fill in the gaps
               in column A. After filling the gaps, match the column A with Column B.  Tapescript 2.2.1  Sts own answers
                                                              a    S/he is crazy about  .…..........……………………….......…………………………….… .
                   COLUMN A           COLUMN B                                 Sts own answers
                 Doing puzzles and crosswords                 b    S/he would rather  …….........….………………………….......……………………….… .
               1   ................................................  d  a   shows to an employer that you will be a good team   c    S/he never prefers  ………..........………………………………....………………….….. .
                                                                               Sts own answers
                 ................................................  c
               2   Music      b   player                      d    S/he really hates  …………….................………………………….....………………..... .
                                                                               Sts own answers
                                this demonstrates that you are handy about making
               3   Arts      e  everything on your own-no need any help  e    S/he is into    .......……………………………………………………….....…………….... .
                                                                               Sts own answers
               4   Volunteering   f  c   it means you are a keen learner on instruments and
                 Joining in a sports team
                 ................................................  a
               5   Being a blogger  accustomed to practicing
               6   ................................................  g  d   points you are both a good problem-solver and an   4.  Write LIKE (L) or DISLIKE (D) in the boxes. Then, write your own likes and dislikes by using
                 Learning a new language
               7   ................................................  j  e   analytical mind-setter  these words as in the example.
                                indicates that you are a creative person
               8   Caring for children or animals h  f   it is evident for  your employability and your strong ties
               9   Running your own online store  i  with the community  like  L  love  L
               10  ................................................   n  g   it defines you as a skillful person to produce digital
               11  DIY       b  content                       can’t stand  D  don’t like  D
                 Social hobbies like teaching
               12  ................................................    l  h   indicates that you are a thoughtful, polite, and soft-
                 Technological hobbies
               13  ................................................  m  hearted person to all living beings  hate  D  keen on  L
               14  ................................................   k  i   defines you as an entrepreneurial soul
                              j   you have the ability of listening, speaking, writing,   crazy/mad about  L  dislike  D
                                reading and studying
                              k   shows you are fond of discovering new things  D  L
                                                              not keen on  enjoy
                              l   displays that you achieve dominance and have an
                                authority on people.          be into  L  can’t bear  D
                              m  guarantees that you always keep yourself up-to-date
                              n   expresses your common sense, concentration skill,
                                sophisticated and cultural side
                                                                       LIKES             DISLIKES
             2.  Complete the gaps with the sentences below.
                                                               e.g. I like chatting with my friends on my balcony for   e.g. I dislike eating fast food too much.
                                                                    Sts own answers    Sts own answers
                John Lennon is a famous   Lightening School is located in a   5 ..…… The most convenient
                musician who was one of the   small town, 45 km from London.   method for learning a new   Sts own answers  Sts own answers
                members of the ‘Beatles’. He   It’s a school with hard and   language is taking a language
                was a creative singer and   grass tennis courts. There is a   course. Today a lot of people want
                composer.  1 ……… . The Beatles   swimming pool for water sports.   to learn a new language and for   Sts own answers  Sts own answers
                became the most popular band in   Also, it has got a modern indoor   this reason, they go to language
                            sports centre.  3 ……… . The   schools or take language courses.
                England. After the Beatles broke   6 …….. . Besides, you can learn
                            students sleep in their dorms.
                up, he released his solo album.
                 e                      to read and interpret literary texts
                2 ……… .     They are under the supervision
                            of resident teachers.  4 .…… .  in the long run provided that you
                                        continue to take lessons.
               a    How can someone learn a new language?
               b    He could compose numerous and impressive songs when they were together.
               c    So, you can do many types of sports in this school.
               d    In these courses, you can learn a second language very fast and easily.
               e    He succeeded in being the best-seller solo album singer in 1971.
               f    They can share their rooms with other four friends.
                                                    13      14
                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing likes and dislikes   Theme 2
                       •  Expressing preferences  Hobbies and Skills 6
                       •  Talking about present and past abilities
                                                             4.  Ask and answer the questions about your likes, dislikes, present and past abilities as in the
             1.  Complete the dialog with the words given in the box.   exampe below.
                                                              A:   What do you like doing in your free time?
                 shall we  ice-skating  would rather  watching  enjoy
                                                              B:   I like skating very much. What about you?
                                                              A:   I really enjoy diving. It gives me great opportunity to watch the sea creatures. Can you swim?
                John: Hi, Adam. How is it going?
                                                              B:   Yes, I can but I have been allergic to the sun for the last three years. Whenever I swim I start to
               Adam: Hi, John. It’s going well. I am planning my weekend. Have you any suggestions?  itch. In fact, I could swim as fast as a dolphin before.
                John: Oh, sure!  l  1 ................. brainstorming. Doctor Faustus is a must-see and  luckily,
                   it has stage on this Saturday. The performance will be on Wednesday at 7 p.m. at   Sts own answers
                            Shall we
                   West End Theatre.  2 .............................  go together?
               Adam: lt is a good idea but l am not keen on  3  .................... theatre plays. I am fascinated by
                   sports mostly.
                John: Oh, let me think about it. Do you prefer  4  .............................?
                                  would rather
               Adam: I think l am not gifted in ice-skating. l  5 ................................... play in team games like
                   tennis. How about you?
                John: That’s amazing. I like playing tennis. Let’s meet at the court the following day.
             2.  Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.   Tapescript 2.3.1
                      CHOCOLATE WORLD
                Brad Thompson   1  .......................... be successful in any business
                attempt in his early life. He was expelled from an apprenticeship with   5.  Read the dialog between a sport coach and a candidate student. Then, complete it with the
                a cook. Although he started his candy and chocolate production with   sentences given below.
                a failure again, he didn’t give up  2 .......................... .  He founded
                the Chocolate-Caramel  Company and started  3  ..........................   a    I would rather my students trained very hard.
                good results. He  4   .......................... create a brand not only in   b    I think, I’m really gifted in jumping.
                chocolate world but also in social life. He founded a dispensary, a   c    I can run as fast as a cheetah.
                school, an amusement park and even a zoo.  5  ..........................
                                                              d    I’m really into sports.
                in his vision for milk chocolate  and caramel demand, he eventually
                founded the  Thompson’s  Chocolate, and it becomes renowned   e  I can’t stand lazy people.
                all worldwide today.  In the light of this heritage,  Thompson’s
                Chocolate  6  .......................... inspire young people to be brave for
                entrepreneurship in founding companies like this. One of the slogans   Coach:  Let’s see what you can do as a candidate sportsman. Firstly, can you run fast?
                of the company is “a taste you  7  .......................... forget”, and they   I can run as fast as a cheetah
                                                              Student: Yes, ......................................................... . I could come in first in the race in my secondary
                go on being the leader in today’s chocolate world.
                                                               Coach: Great. And, can you jump high?
                                                                       I think, I’m really gifted in jumping
             3.  Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text above.    Student: Of course. ......................................................... . I can easily touch the basket even if I’m
                                                                   not very tall.
               1   Brad Thompson was able to achieve all his ventures when he was a young man.   F  I would rather my students trained very hard
                                                               Coach: Very good. And, do you like training? Because, ....................................................................
                                                                              I can’t stand lazy people
               2   He would prefer to leave off as soon as he became unsuccsessful in his doings.   F  at least twice a week. In fact, ......................................................... .
                                                                   I’m really into sports
               3   He prefered struggling again and again for the sake of his belief.   T  Student: ....................................................... and I want to be a sportsman in the future so I can train
                                                                   hard believe me.
               4   He made his dreams real and his products are sold all over the world.   T  Coach: Hmm... Let’s see your abilities in the court then.
               5   The company’s succes and dominance in chocolate production encourages young   T
               6   One of the their mottos is “you can’t remember our taste”.   F
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