P. 63

5.  Read Margaret’s opinions about having goldfish as a pet and decide if the statements below are
              true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

                                        Hello, everyone. I’m  Margaret. Today,  I  want to  share my  ideas
                                        about having goldfish. I believe some of you already have them in
                                        your houses or offices. Actually, I don’t understand the reason why
                                        some people think that only cats and dogs are good pets. In my
                                        opinion, goldfish are very good pets, too!
                                        First of all, goldfish are beautiful animals to watch. They have both
                                        lovely colors and cute faces with big eyes. I think it is lovely to
                                        watch them swimming.
                 Furthermore, goldfish are quiet and don’t need a lot of attention. They cause neither noise nor
                 a bad smell. Additionally, they are not messy and you only have to change their water either
                 every two or three days.
                 On the other hand, goldfish are not very good company. They don’t show any feelings, so you
                 can’t play with them.
                 All in all, having goldfish may not seem a lot of fun, but I believe they are perfect pets!

               1     To Margaret, neither cats nor dogs are accepted as a pet by all people.
               2     She believes that their faces with big eyes are not cute.
               3     In her opinion, having goldfish as a pet has both pros and cons.
               4     She thinks goldfish are not only neat but also quiet as a pet.
               5     If you want goldfish to show some feelings, you had better put pearl sides in the aquarium.

          6.  Read Margaret’s opinions again and make comments. Do you agree or disagree with her? Share
              your opinions with your friends and exchange your ideas about having goldfish as a pet.

          7.  Imagine that you have just bought a new computer. When you open the box, you discover that
              the mouse is missing. Write an email to the shop about the problem and your opinions about
              your defective good. Then ask them to send a new one.

            Subject: Defective computer
            Dear Mr. Hopkins,
            The reason why I’m writing to you is that I’ve bought a new computer from your shop and ........................................
            ........................................................................................................................................................................ ...........
            ................................................................................................................................ ...................................................
            ......... ..........................................................................................................................................................................
            To sum up, I am of the opinion that a computer without a mouse ............................................................................
            Thank you in advance.
            Best wishes.

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