P. 61

1    What was the father’s problem?
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    What do you think about the father’s solution?
                 I think, ....................................................................................................................................... .
              3    What do you think about the children’s behaviors?
                 In my opinion, ........................................................................................................................... .
              4    What is the inexplicit value mentioned in this story?
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
          5.  After you read the story in Exercise 4, make comments about the solution of the father. Share
              your opinions about the misbehaviors of the children with your classmates.

          6.  Look at the chart below and make sentences using “both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor, not
              only ... but also” as in the example.
                                                       Watched          Bought a
                                                                                       Go to school by
                                  Know how to ski  a great show last   computer last
                                                         night            month
               Carlos                    -                +                 +                 +

               Tania                     -                +                 -                 -
               Alex                     +                 -                 -                 +
               Emre                     +                 +                 -                 +
              Example:   Carlos and Tanita/ know how to ski.
                       Either Carlos or Tanita doesn’t know how to ski. / Neither Carlos nor Tanita knows how to ski.
              1    Tania and Emre/watched a great show last night.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    Alex and Emre/bought a computer last month.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Carlos and Alex/Emre/ go to school by bus.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    Alex/ watched a great show last night/bought a new computer last week.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .

          7.  Write a paragraph expressing your opinions about the quote below in relation with the values
              and norms.
               “There must be a profound recognition that parents are the first teachers and that education begins before formal schooling and is deeply
               rooted in the values, traditions, and norms of family and culture.”             Sara Lawrence

                I agree/disagree with Sara Lawrence in terms that

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