P. 64

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing opinions
                                                                                             Theme 10
                                •  Exchanging ideas                                   Values and Norms 30
                                •  Making comments
         1.  Listen to two people talking about the items that their friends can’t do without. Match the people
             with the items. There are two extra items.   Tapescript 10.3.1

                              People                           Items

                      1   Richard and Sylvia           a    Mobile phone
                      2   Celine                       b    Microwave
                      3   Larry                        c    Television                     2
                      4   Frances                      d    Radio
                      5   Norman                       e    Computer
                                                       f    Digital camera
                                                       g    Coffee machine                 5

         2.  Circle the correct word given in bold for each sentence.
             1     Daren isn’t allowed to stay out late at night and neither/nor is Paul.
             2     Penguins can’t fly and chickens can’t neither/either.
             3     Dropping litter is not only/as well as illegal but also/besides harmful to our environment.
             4     Neither/Both George nor/and Marcus was suitable for the position in the office.
             5     Ashley would like to read both/what is more poem and/also article in the ceremony.

         3.  Rewrite the sentences using both … and or neither … nor.

              1    Elisabeth can’t play the piano. Ethan can’t play the piano, either.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    Luke takes the bus to work every day. Michelle takes the bus to work every day, too.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Lucy doesn’t have a dress for the party. Erica doesn’t have a dress for the party, either.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    Dave works for an international company. Carla works for an international company, too.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .

         4.  Read the quotes and make comments for each, expressing your opinions.

                                                            I  agree/disagree with ...
                “Your beliefs become your thoughts,
                                                            I think ...
                  Your thoughts become your words,
                                                            What’s your opinion about…?
                  Your words become your actions,
                                                            I’m not so sure about …
                  Your actions become your habits,
                  Your habits become your values,
                  Your values become your destiny.”


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