P. 62

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing opinions
                                                                                             Theme 10
                                •  Exchanging ideas                                   Values and Norms 29
                                •  Making comments
         1.   Listen to Daniel and Brian talking about their pets. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
                 Tapescript 10.2.1
              1     Daniel doesn’t understand why Brian wanted a hedgehog.
              2     Brian’s hedgehog only eats food he catches in the garden.
              3     Both Daniel’s dog and Brian’s hedgehog sleep a lot.
              4     Brian agrees that dogs are friendlier than hedgehogs.
              5     Daniel’s dog doesn’t like going to the kennels when the family is on holiday.
              6     Neither of them thinks that dogs are very good for gardens.

         2.  Read the quote below and express your opinions. Do you agree or disagree with Maya Angelou?
             Make comments and exchange our ideas about love and self-respect.

                 If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.
                                                                           M    a  y  a     AM  n a  g  g y  e  e a  l  l    o  o A  u  u n

         3.  Circle the correct words in bold.

              1     We went to the Black Sea for two days at the weekend, but the weather was not good. It rained
                  on both/either day(s).
              2     Jason has got twin brothers and although neither/both of them is very tall, either/both of them
                  can play basketball well.
              3     I can suggest you these two books. You can take either/neither the small one or/nor the big one.
              4     “Which is your cat, the black or the white one?” “I don’t have both/either of these two cats.
                  Mine is brown.”
              5     Titanic is not only/neither a romance but also/nor a historical film.
              6     A: Aren hates talking in front of large crowds.
                     B: Nor/So do I.
              7     A: We couldn’t go to Rick’s birthday party.
                     B: Neither could/did we.

         4.  Join the sentences below using the words in brackets as in the example.
             Example:   Amanda is polite. She is thoughtful, too. (as well as)
                      Amanda is polite as well as thoughtful.

              1    David has got a house. He has got a car, too. (not only … but also)
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    Paul didn’t go to the lecture. Robin didn’t go, either. (neither … nor)
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Professor Özdemir teaches at university. He does research for the Social Sciences Institute, too.  (besides)
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    To be a teacher, one needs to be patient. One needs to be considerate, too. (both … and)
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
              5    Noah couldn’t tell his opinion in the meeting. Jane couldn’t tell anything, either. (either … or)
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .

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