P. 67
ENGLISH 11 Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü
FUNCTIONS: English 11
• Making plans and predictions Theme 1
• Making an appointment Future Jobs 3
• Talking on the phone
L3 3. Complete the chart below with the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs of the words given
1. Have you got any innovative thought to make your life easier? If yes, first write a few sentences where appropriate. Remember that all words do not have all forms. You can use the texts above
about it and then take a video of yourself telling about your innovative thought and finally put and your dictionaries as a guide for yourselves.
that video on your E-portfolio.
Sts own answers Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
2. Read the texts numbered 1 and 2. Then answer the questions. Entrepreneurship -- Entrepreneurial --
Innovation Innovate Innovative Innovatively
21 st Century Popular Words
1 2 Opportunist -- Opportunistic Opportunistically
“Entrepreneurship” is a word The human race has always innovated, and in Opportunity
we throw around every day. a short time went from building fires and making Organisation Organise Organised
Originally, it is a French word stone-tipped arrows to creating smartphone apps Organisationally
that we see everywhere and autonomous robots. Today, technological Sustaining Sustainable
from magazine covers to progress will undoubtedly go on changing the Sustainability Sustain Unsustainable Sustainably
conferences, hotel lobbies, way we work, live and survive in the coming
even in the White House. The decades. “Innovation” is a word we often come
French word entrepreneur across in the 21 st century. We can define this 4. Search for an entrepreneur on the Net and prepare a written presentation including the
first appeared in the French word as a new or improved product or process information below.
dictionary in 1700s to describe that differs significantly from the unit’s previous • The field he / she works in
a person organizing and products or processes and that has been made
operating a business by taking available to a potential product or brought into • His / her achievements
a financial risk. Nowadays use by the process. There are different types of • His / her plans
entreptreneurship is defined as innovation such as organizational innovation,
the pursuit of opportunity with process innovation, product innovation, marketing Sts own answers
limited resources. From this innovation, and eco-innovation related with eco-
point of view, we can easily friendly lifestyle and sustainability. 21 st century
make an inference about the makes people think and behave more innovational
entrepreneurial challenges. At to keep up with the fast changing technology.
a basic level, all entrepreneurs Social media, artificial intelligence based products,
try to overcome adversity to smartphones, self-driving cars, and autonomous
pursue an opportunity with flying vehicles, virtual assistants, touchscreen
limited resources. glasses, 3D printers are some innovative
1 What is the definition of “entrepreneurship”?
It is the pursuit of opportunity with limited resources.
5. Listen to the conversation between the radio host and an entrepreneur. Complete the chart below.
2 Where do we see the word “entrepreneur”? Tapescript 1.3.1
We see it everywhere from magazine covers to conferences, hotel lobbies, even in the White House.
Name of .....
3 How can we define the word “innovation”?
We can define the word as a new or improved product or process that differs significantly from the unit’s previous The Radio Business Radio
products or processes and that has been made available to a potential product or brought into use by the process.
The Program Mark’s Innovative Hours
4 Why do 21 st century-people need innovative devices? Mark
Because they need to keep up with the changing world. The Radio Host
5 What are the examples of 21 st century innovations? The Entrepreneur Suna Hürtekin
Social media, artificial intelligence based products, smartphones, self-driving cars, and autonomous flying
vehicles, virtual assistants, touchscreen glasses, 3D printers.
9 10
FUNCTIONS: English 11
• Expressing likes and dislikes Theme 2
• Expressing preferences Hobbies and Skills 4
• Talking about present and past abilities
1. Write the hobbies and their equipment under the correct pictures. Tapescript 2.1.1
3. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks.
HOBBIES EQUIPMENT 1 Olive: Which one would you rather ........... at the moment? Go diving or go swimming?
Archery Cooking Pottery Rafting Boat Paddle Arrow Paper Pushrod Pen Boat Nancy: None of them! I would rather …………….. on the sunbed.
to eat
Knitting Scuba Diving Swimming Suit Bow Knife Needle Clay Wool 2 I would prefer …...……. pasta with cheese with my friends this evening rather than ….....… at a
Writing Poems Model Plane Building Cardboard Food Scuba Kiln Life Jacket luxury restaurant.
Rope Wheel walking going
3 My wife likes ………....… by the seaside better than……….....… to the gym.
4 l ………...... vegetables to meat.
5 l would rather………….. a historical movie than a horror movie.
6 l prefer …………..... to rock music to ……………... to rap music.
wool knife scuba arrow
rope food swimming suit bow 4. Talk about the differences of your past and present abilities with your friends.
needle e.g. l couldn’t even use a hammer when l was a little boy but now, l can drive a nail properly.
5. Fill in the blanks with would rather, prefer, would prefer.
1 They ………....… making a snowman to having a snowball fight.
would rather
2 I ………............. you swam. It really keeps you fit.
kiln boat paddle pen wheel
would rather
clay boat paper pushrod 3 Tommy ………............. play chess than checkers. It’s more fun.
life jacket cardboard
4 Does he ………........... cooking or ironing?
would rather
5 I ………........... my brothers tidied their rooms more often.
2. Read the sentences and fill in the chart as in the example. Would rather
6 ………...... you ………...... your daughter study maths or art?
Alice: l like playing board games with my friends but l dislike surfing on the Net.
6. Write about your likes and dislikes using the given structures.
Tom: l enjoy doing extreme sports like rafting, bungee-jumping and sky diving because l find them
exciting, but l hate indoor sports. • I like ............. / I don’t like .............
Ann: My friends insisted on playing paintball at his weekend, but l hate doing it because l can’t • I’m keen on ............. / I’m not keen on .............
stand being shot with paint. I prefer knitting on my sofa. • I can’t stand .............
Philip: l am into watching animation movies as they are amusing. However, l am not keen on • I’m gifted in ............. / I’m not gifted in .............
watching horror movies. They are frightening for me.
Charles: l am crazy about doing jigsaw puzzles, and l like them hanging on my wall, but l can’t bear Sts own answers
doing crossword puzzles.
Alice Board games Surfing on the Net
Tom Extreme Sports lndoor Sports
Ann Knitting Paintball
Philip Animation movies Horror Movies
Jigsaw Puzzle Crossword Puzzle
11 12