P. 72

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing wishes and regrets for past events  Theme 5
                       • Talking about unreal past events  Back to the Past 13
                                                     L1     4.  Read the people’s thoughts and make sentences as in the example
             1.  Listen  to  Dan’s  voice  recording
               about his past wishes and regrets.                 I didn’t make    Example: I wish I had made plans to go out.
               Decide if the statements are true                plans to go out, so I was
               (T) or false (F).                                   bored.
                                                                                   If I had made plans to go out, I wouldn’t have
                Tapescript 5.1.1                                                   been bored.
                                                                                      I had called my boss for the reason
                                                                  I didn’t call    I wish ........................................................
                                                                                      I was late
                                                                my boss for the reason   ................................................................ .
                                                               I was late, so he called me
                                                                                    I had called my boss for the reason I was
                                                                  five times.      If ...............................................................
                                                                                    late, he wouldn’t have called me five times
                                                                                   ................................................................ .
                1    If Dan had been young enough to write his wishes and regrets, he wouldn’t
                 have recorded them.         T
                2    Dan used to record his dairy when he was younger.   F
                                                                  I fought with       I hadn’t fought with my best friend
                3    He is happy that he saved up some money for retirement.   F  my best friend, so   I wish ........................................................
                                                                                   ................................................................ .
                4    Dan’s past regrets are about his savings, investments and health.    T  I was sad.
                                                                                    I hadn’t fought with my best friend, I
                5   Dan’s message to his children is not to live a life unfulfilled.   T  If ...............................................................
                                                                                    wouldn’t have been sad
                                                                                   ................................................................ .
             2.  Read the quote below. Do you agree with John S. Hall? Why or why not? And tell about the
                                                                                      I hadn’t squeezed the pimples on
               regrets for past events in your life.              I squeezed the   I wish ........................................................
                                                                                      my nose
                                                                pimples on my nose, so   ................................................................ .
                                                                  it turned red.
                                                                                    I hadn’t squeezed the pimples on my nose,
                                                                                   If ...............................................................
                                                                                    it wouldn’t have turned red
                                                                                   ................................................................ .
                Today, I will try to remember to regret the past. I will think of how many
                mistakes I have made throughout my life. I will say to myself, “If only I
                could go back in time and make different choices so that my life could be
                the way it should have been.” Then I will remind myself that I cannot.
                                                            5.  Prepare a list of the wishes and regrets of some of the well-known people for the past events
                                                              by searching on the Net.
                                        John S. Hall
                                                                The Name of the Person  His/Her Wishes and Regrets
             3.  Read the quote again and answer the questions below.
                                                                  Sts own answers  Sts own answers
               1    Did John S. Hall make mistakes in his life?
                 Yes, he did.
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               2    Does he criticise his choices? If yes, underline the related sentence in the quote.
                 Yes, he does. –Underlined on the quote-          Sts own answers
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .  Sts own answers
               3    Do you agree with John S. Hall?
                 Sts own answers
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               4    Did you make mistakes in your life? If so, what would be your wishes about the past
                 events in your life?
                 Suggested answer- Yes, I did. I wish I hadn’t made my mum angry so often in my childhood.
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
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                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing wishes and regrets for past events  Theme 5
                       • Talking about unreal past events  Back to the Past 14
                                                            4.  A web forum asked its followers to write their wishes. Read the forum and write the names of
             1.  Read the headlines from the news two days ago and make a conditional sentence for each, as in   the people described in the statements below.
               the example.
               1                      3                         My  sons  never listened to  my   I wish the world hadn’t   I did a lot of performance work
                                       POPSTAR ARGUES           warnings when they  were
                                       WITH THE BAND
                             2         AND CANCELS THE          young. Now,  they  have sons   experienced the pandemics   last year. I wish there had been
                                                                            and the people hadn’t died
                                                                                       a machine that  did homework
                                                                and wish  they had  taken my
               BRAVE DOG BARKS-FAMILY WAKES   GUARDS FALLS  CONCERT  advice. What a pity!  of Covid-19 virus. If  only   for me.  Hannah
                                                                            the people had  taken all
                UP IN THE BURNING HOUSE  ASLEEP-THIEVES STEAL         Charles  the precautions  that the
                              THE PAINTING
                                                                            government asked,  the
                                                                            disease could not  have
                                                                I didn’t  study hard for the   speeded dramatically.    I wish I hadn’t had my hair cut
                                                                midterm exams, so I  failed. I   too short last week. It would be
                                                                wish I had studied harder.        Georgia  great if it got longer in a day!
                                       5  STORM HITS THE              Antony                 Fulya
                  4                       COUNTRY-MANY
                   GOLD MEDAL FOR HIS BRAVERY                 1    She worries about sick people.    ………………...
                                                              2    He feels upset for his sons.     ………………...
                                                              3    She is sad about a bad choice.    …………….…..
                                                              4    She studied too much last year.     ………………...
                                                              5   He might have passed the exams.   …………….…..
               1    If the brave dog hadn’t barked, the family wouldn’t have woken up in the burning house.
                 If the guards hadn’t fallen asleep, the thieves wouldn’t have stolen the painting  5.  David’s colleague took some notes about him. Read the notes and say how David could/might
               2    .................................................................................................................................................... .  have avoided the problems he faced, as in the example.
                 If the popstar hadn’t argued with the band, he/she wouldn’t have cancelled the concert
               3    .................................................................................................................................................... .  1    David forgot to set the alarm clock, so he overslept.
                 If the man hadn’t saved the drowning girl, he wouldn’t have won the gold medal for his bravery
               4    .................................................................................................................................................... .  2    He left his briefcase at home and had to go back to get it.
                 If the storm hadn’t hit the country, many villages wouldn’t have flooded
               5   .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              3    He thought he could be more careful about setting the alarm clock.
                                                              4    He forgot to put his briefcase by the door, so he couldn’t see it before he left home.
             2.  Choose two headlines from Exercise 1 and talk about the wishes of the people starting with
                “I wish…” as in the example.                  5   He criticized himself for not saving a taxi phone number in his contact list.
                        e.g. I wish the storm hadn’t hit the   1    If David hadn’t forgotten to set the alarm, he wouldn’t have overslept.
                                                                If David hadn’t left his briefcase at home, he wouldn’t have had to go back to get it
                       country and many cities wouldn’t have   2    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                David wished he could have been more careful about setting the alarm clock
                                                              3    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                David wished he hadn’t forgotten to put his briefcase by the door, so he could have seen his briefcase before leaving home
                             Headline 5  Sts own answers      4    .................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                He should have saved a taxi phone number in his contact list
                                                              5   .................................................................................................................................................... .
             3.  Match the sentence endings with the beginnings.
               1   Lamia wouldn’t have missed the train  a    if you had asked him.   6.  Two people are talking about eating out. Listen to the dialog and write the names of the people
                                                              into the blanks below.   Tapescript 5.2.1
               2   If I had got up earlier,  b    if she had set her alarm clock.     Ken
               3   Miguel could have given you a lift  c    he might have been energetic.  1    ........................... went to the restaurant for a special occasion.
               4   Even if I had had enough cash,    d    I wouldn’t have missed the online lesson.   2    ........................... went to the restaurant with her sister’s children.
               5   If Mikail hadn’t spent all night with the puzzle, e    I wouldn’t have bought that ugly shirt.  3    ........................... had some pain in her stomach after the spicy pasta.
                                                              4    ........................... wished the menu had been richer.
                1 b  2 d  3 a  4 e  5 c                       5    ........................... was sad about not choosing an Italian restaurant.
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