P. 75

ENGLISH 11                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                   ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Talking about landmarks and monuments   Theme 7
                       •  Describing cities and historic sites  Facts About Turkey 19
                       •  Asking for and giving more detailed information
                                                     L1      7.  Read the e-mail and then answer the questions below.
             1.  Look at the facts about Turkey. Tick the ones you have an idea and talk about them.
                 1    The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque is a must-see place in İstanbul.
                 2    Mardin, located on Mesopotamian plains, is said to be the birthplace of the civilization.  Subject  Notes from Turkey
                 3    Many houses and hotels in Ayder Plateau are built using wood to match with the natural   Dear Andrew,
                  beauty of green hills.                       I’m writing to you to share some notes about my trip to Turkey. Today’s subject is some traditions
                                                               I’ve learnt here. First, it is common to see a blue eye made of glass. It is called “the evil eye” and
             2.  Listen to the conversation between two friends about a tourist destination in Turkey. Tick the   it is believed to ward off the negative energy from someone’s eyes envious of you. The next is the
               statements as true (T) or false (F).   Tapescript 7.1.1  tradition of sacrificing an animal and donating the meat to the poor. It is called “devotional sacrifice”
                                                               (adaklık kurban). I mean, if someone wants a good job or parents want their son or daughter to get
               1     Muğla is bigger than another tourist attraction, Antalya.    F  married, they promise God for a devotional sacrifice and when their wishes come true they sacrifice
               2     Dalyan is more expensive than Bodrum.   F  an animal such as a lamp or calf for showing their thankfulness to God. The last tradition I want to
               3     There are different kinds of accommodation for every budget type.  T  share with you is that once upon a time when alarm clocks didn’t exist, people needed to know exactly
                                                               when they were to wake up in the morning to eat their meal in the holy month, Ramadan. The dim
               4     Dalyan is located by the shores of Köyceğiz Lake.   T  and distant past alarm clock is called the “Ramadan drummers” who walk around the neighbourhood
               5     The weather is hot and dry during summer.  T  beating his drum like an alarm clock. Nowadays, these drummers still exist and wander around the
                                                               neighbourhood so that everyone wakes up. Some tongue twisters are told by the drummer while
                                                               showing his/her performance. It’s all for now.
             3.  Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions below.
                                                               Hope to hear from you.
               1    What are Danilo and Anna talking about?    Julia
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  They are talking about Danilo’s holiday district
               2    Why does Danilo describe Dalyan as an ideal holiday destination?   1    Which traditions are mentioned in the e-mail?
                  Because there are both luxurious hotels and apart-hotels with many alternatives for every budget  Evil eye, devotional sacrifice and Ramadan drummers are mentioned in the e-mail
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               3    Where is the world heritage in Dalyan located?  2    What is “devotional sacrifice”?
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  It is located in the face of Dalyan City and on the right shores of Dalyan Stream.  It is a Turkish tradition to show gratitude to God by sacrificing an animal such as a lamp or calf when
                                                                  people’s wishes come true
                                                                ................................................................................................................................................... .
             4.  Circle the correct option.                    3    What does a Ramadan drummer do?
               1     The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque is one of the greatest statues/structures in the world.      A Ramadan drummer walks in the street during the holy month to wake people up while playing his
                                                                ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                drum and telling tongue twisters
               2     Thousands of people visit the tomb/structure of Ertuğrul Gazi in Söğüt, Bilecik every year.
               3     There is a nice statue/tomb of Atatürk on a horse in Ulus Square, Ankara.  8.  Write an e-mail from a place you have been to on holiday, or from your own town. Use the
                                                              questions as clues for your writing plan.
               4     Sümela mosque/monastery has been restored lately in Trabzon.   •
               5     Düden waterfalls/ rivers are visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.   Where did you go?
                                                               •   How were the local people?
             5.  Using the prompts below, rewrite the sentences as in the example.  •  •   What are the must-see places there?
               Example:   A: Look at that house! What happened to it?  What are the activities to be done there?
                   B: It / destroy/in an earthquake
                        It was destroyed in an earthquake.    To:
               1   A: That’s a beautiful sweater you’re wearing!  Subject:
                  B: Thank you. It / knit / my grandma
                  It was knitted by my grandma.
               2   A: What do you know about the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque?
                  B: It / visit/ many tourists/ every year                   Sts own answers
                  It is visited by many tourists every year.
               3   A: There is always a terrible noise at my study.
                  B: A new hospital/build/ in your neighbourhood/ at the moment
                  A new hospital is being built outside at the moment.
              6.  Tell about a tradition in your hometown including what it is called, when and where it is done.
               Record your voice and send it to your best friend.
                   Sts own answers                           42
                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Talking about landmarks and monuments
                                                 Theme 7
                       •  Describing cities and historic sites  Facts About Turkey 20
                       •  Asking for and giving more detailed information
                                                            4.  Find a Turkish song related to tea and try to translate it in English. Sing the translated song to
             1.  What are the main features of the region/city you live in? Share some facts about it with your   your friends.     Sts own answers
               friends.   Sts own answers
                                                            5.  Circle the correct words.
             2.  Listen and answer the following questions about the interview. More than one option is possible.   Celine:  When are you going on holiday?
                Tapescript 7.2.1                               Oliver:  Next weekend. It is going to be the more/most relaxing time of the year.
               1   Felipe thinks the cultures in Ecuador and Colombia are .............................................. .  Celine:  That place on the coast where you are staying, is it hotter/hottest than here?
                 a    completely different     b    basically the same  c    incompatible  Oliver:  Not really! It’s more cold/colder than here, and there is usually more/most wind. So,
                                                                  the temperature is normally five or six degrees lower more/than here.
               2   Colombians are more worried about ...................................... than Ecuadoreans.
                                                               Celine:  And, it’s the world’s more/most attractive coast.
                 a    money     b    nothing   c    working
                                                               Oliver:  Really? Well, it’s more/most beautiful than other places, but we can’t swim in the ocean.
               3   Both countries have .............................................. .
                                                               Celine:  Yeah, unfortunately.
                 a    the same population     b    highlands  c    coastal areas
               4   Colombia is ............................................. than Ecuador.  6.  Read the texts and answer the questions.
                 a    smaller    b    bigger  c    richer
               5   Both countries eat a lot of  .............................................. .
                 a    fruit      b    corn  c    meat
                                                               Harry       Martin      Jack
                                                               This is Harry. He is 17 years   This is Martin. He is 16 years   This is Jack. He is 18 years
             3.  Read the passage and answer the questions.    old. He likes eating junk   old. He is 1.75 m. tall and   old. He is a very tall boy with
                                                               food more than fruit and   65 kg. He is not very tall. He   1.98 m. and 80 kg. He is fit
                   The Most Irrefutable Offer in Turkey:       vegetables. He is a bit plump.   doesn’t like any kind of junk   and healthy. He often eats
                                                               He is 1.55 m. tall and 70 kg.
                        A Glass of Tea                                     food. He sometimes plays   fruit and vegetables. Also, he
                                                               He loves watching TV, but   football with his friends. He   practices tennis every day.
                In Turkey, thousands of glasses of tea are drunk every day, but   rarely does exercises. He tries  passes all his exams with   He studies very hard and his
                tea is preferred mostly as black, sweet and served in small tulip   hard, but his grades are mostly  average grades.  grades are very good.
                glasses. Turkish tea is not just a kind of drink; it’s a tradition   low.
                that revolves around hospitality. Wherever you go in Turkey,
                                                                                   Jack is the tallest of all
                it’s  traditional to  be offered a  glass of Turkish tea  as a sign   1    Who is the tallest boy?  ............................................................................................................ .
                of  welcome when you’re at  someone’s  home or  in a  shop.        Martin is the youngest of all
                Surprisingly, compared  to tea’s history of thousands  years,   2    Who is the youngest boy? ........................................................................................................ .
                                                                                   Martin’s grades are better than Harry’s
                Turkish tea is relatively young. Some sources mention that tea   3    Whose grades are better, Harry’s or Martin’s?  ................................................................. .
                                                                                   Harry eats junk food most
                was traded and consumed in 400 B.C., but it is certain that tea   4    Which of the three boys eats junk food most? .................................................................. .
                only became common in Turkey from the 1900s onwards. The
                first  attempt  to  grow  tea  on Turkish  soil  took  place  in  Bursa
                between 1888 and 1892. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a success   7.  Imagine you were a traveler and visited Rize last week. Write a blog to give information about the
                since  this part of the country is ecologically  inadequate  for   city using the notes. You can search on the Net if necessary.
                growing tea. In 1924, a law about tea growing was passed by
                the government in the east of the Black Sea region. Today, 767   Hello, my dear followers. You know I went to Rize last week, and I want
                million m² of land is used to grow tea, and it is the second most   to  share some  information with you about the city.  Let’s  start  with its
                consumed Turkish drink after water.                     location. Rize is located in ............................................ . Rize is famous
                                                                                  Sts own answers
                                                                        for its ...................................................................... .You have the chance
                                                                        to eat ............................................................ . You can join different and
                                                                        enjoyable activities there. For example, ................................................ .
               1    How is tea preferred mostly in Turkey?              I had a lovely weekend in Rize thanks to many good things including
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  It is preferred mostly as black, sweet and served in small tulip glasses
                                                                        the local people’s hospitality, delightful local cuisine, and different kinds
               2    According to the author, which value is associated with serving tea?   of sport facilities. In other words, ............................................................ .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  Hospitality is associated with serving tea            Please meet me with some new information about a different city next
               3    Why was the attempt to grow tea in Bursa unsuccessful?
                  Because this part of the country is ecologically inadequate for growing tea
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
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