P. 80

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing opinions   Theme 10
                       •  Exchanging ideas   Values and Norms 29
                       •  Making comments
                                                     L2     5.  Read Margaret’s opinions about having goldfish as a pet and decide if the statements below are
             1.   Listen to Daniel and Brian talking about their pets. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
                                                              true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
                Tapescript 10.2.1
               1     Daniel doesn’t understand why Brian wanted a hedgehog.    T
               2     Brian’s hedgehog only eats food he catches in the garden.    F  Hello, everyone. I’m  Margaret. Today,  I  want to  share my  ideas
               3     Both Daniel’s dog and Brian’s hedgehog sleep a lot.   T  about having goldfish. I believe some of you already have them in
                                                                         your houses or offices. Actually, I don’t understand the reason why
               4     Brian agrees that dogs are friendlier than hedgehogs.   F  some people think that only cats and dogs are good pets. In my
               5     Daniel’s dog doesn’t like going to the kennels when the family is on holiday.  T  opinion, goldfish are very good pets, too!
               6     Neither of them thinks that dogs are very good for gardens.   T  First of all, goldfish are beautiful animals to watch. They have both
                                                                         lovely colors and cute faces with big eyes. I think it is lovely to
                                                                         watch them swimming.
             2.  Read the quote below and express your opinions. Do you agree or disagree with Maya Angelou?
               Make comments and exchange our ideas about love and self-respect.  Furthermore, goldfish are quiet and don’t need a lot of attention. They cause neither noise nor
                                                                a bad smell. Additionally, they are not messy and you only have to change their water either
                                                                every two or three days.
                If we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.we lose love and self-respect for each other, this is how we finally die.
                                                                On the other hand, goldfish are not very good company. They don’t show any feelings, so you
                                                         Maya Angelouya Angelou
                                                                can’t play with them.
                  Sts own answers                               All in all, having goldfish may not seem a lot of fun, but I believe they are perfect pets!
             3.  Circle the correct words in bold.
               1     We went to the Black Sea for two days at the weekend, but the weather was not good. It rained
                 on both/either day(s).
                                                               1     To Margaret, neither cats nor dogs are accepted as a pet by all people.    F
               2     Jason has got twin brothers and although neither/both of them is very tall, either/both of them
                 can play basketball well.                     2     She believes that their faces with big eyes are not cute.    F
               3     I can suggest you these two books. You can take either/neither the small one or/nor the big one.   3     In her opinion, having goldfish as a pet has both pros and cons.    T
               4     “Which is your cat, the black or the white one?” “I don’t have both/either of these two cats.   4     She thinks goldfish are not only neat but also quiet as a pet.    T
                 Mine is brown.”                               5     If you want goldfish to show some feelings, you had better put pearl sides in the aquarium. NS
               5     Titanic is not only/neither a romance but also/nor a historical film.
               6     A: Aren hates talking in front of large crowds.  6.  Read Margaret’s opinions again and make comments. Do you agree or disagree with her? Share
                                                              your opinions with your friends and exchange your ideas about having goldfish as a pet.
                      B: Nor/So do I.                                   Sts own answers
               7     A: We couldn’t go to Rick’s birthday party.
                      B: Neither could/did we.              7.  Imagine that you have just bought a new computer. When you open the box, you discover that
                                                              the mouse is missing. Write an email to the shop about the problem and your opinions about
                                                              your defective good. Then ask them to send a new one.
             4.  Join the sentences below using the words in brackets as in the example.
               Example:   Amanda is polite. She is thoughtful, too. (as well as)
                   Amanda is polite as well as thoughtful.   To:
                                                             Subject: Defective computer
               1    David has got a house. He has got a car, too. (not only … but also)
                David has got not only a house but also a car  Dear Mr. Hopkins,
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              The reason why I’m writing to you is that I’ve bought a new computer from your shop and ........................................
               2    Paul didn’t go to the lecture. Robin didn’t go, either. (neither … nor)  ........................................................................................................................................................................ ...........
                                                                        Sts own answers
                  Neither Paul nor Robin went to the lecture  ................................................................................................................................ ...................................................
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
               3    Professor Özdemir teaches at university. He does research for the Social Sciences Institute, too.  (besides)    ......... ..........................................................................................................................................................................
                Besides teaching at university, Professor Özdemir does research for the Social Sciences Institute  To sum up, I am of the opinion that a computer without a mouse ............................................................................
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
               4    To be a teacher, one needs to be patient. One needs to be considerate, too. (both … and)  ...................................................................................................................................................................................
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  To be a teacher, one needs to be both patient and considerate  Thank you in advance.
                                                              Best wishes.
               5    Noah couldn’t tell his opinion in the meeting. Jane couldn’t tell anything, either. (either … or)
                  Either Noah or Jane couldn’t tell their opinions at the meeting
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                    61      62
                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing opinions   Theme 10
                       •  Exchanging ideas   Values and Norms 30
                       •  Making comments
                                                     L3      5.  Read the passage and answer the questions.
             1.  Listen to two people talking about the items that their friends can’t do without. Match the people
               with the items. There are two extra items.   Tapescript 10.3.1  Learning A Foreign Language
                                                               According to the experts, learning a foreign language is important for a variety of reasons. In the
                      People        Items                      first place, offering foreign languages at schools is vital for children growing up in the twenty-first
                                                               century. As more and more companies  become  international,  employers  will  expect their staff
                  1   Richard and Sylvia  a    Mobile phone    to speak at least one foreign language in order to do business with their foreign clients. That is,
                                               1 f
                  2   Celine    b    Microwave                 learning a foreign language at school improves the job prospects of a child in his/her later life. In
                                                               addition to this, travelling abroad is now much easier and cheaper than ever before. Many people
                  3   Larry     c    Television  2 d           choose to spend their holiday abroad if they are able to communicate with local people. If children
                  4   Frances    d    Radio    3 g             learn a foreign language at school, they can spend pleasant holidays abroad. On the other hand,
                  5   Norman    e    Computer                  learning a foreign language might be confusing for children, as they may find it difficult to learn new
                                f    Digital camera  4 b       words and to keep the foreign language separate from theirs. The experts also think that children
                                                               are under a lot of pressure at school and learning a foreign language might add to their problems.
                                g    Coffee machine  5 c       To sum up, according to the experts, although it can be hard for a child to learn a foreign language,
                                                               it’s clear that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In today’s world, children need all the
                                                               skills they can get in order to find a successful career, and speaking a foreign language is a skill
             2.  Circle the correct word given in bold for each sentence.  which is valuable both professionally and socially.
               1     Daren isn’t allowed to stay out late at night and neither/nor is Paul.   1    Why is learning a foreign language important according to the experts?
                                                                First, it is a twenty-first century necessity. Then, it is vital for the job prospects of a child in his/her later
                                                                ................................................................................................................................................... .
               2     Penguins can’t fly and chickens can’t neither/either.      life. Furthermore, it helps them spend pleasant holidays abroad
               3     Dropping litter is not only/as well as illegal but also/besides harmful to our environment.  2    What are the cons of learning a foreign language for children?
                                                                The cons of learning a foreign language are the possible difficulties to learn new words and it requires
                                                                studying hard
               4     Neither/Both George nor/and Marcus was suitable for the position in the office.      ................................................................................................................................................... .
               5     Ashley would like to read both/what is more poem and/also article in the ceremony.  3    What may be the other cons of learning a foreign language?
                                                                    Sts own answers
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              4    Do you agree with the writer of the passage about the pros of learning a foreign language?
             3.  Rewrite the sentences using both … and or neither … nor.  Sts own answers
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1    Elisabeth can’t play the piano. Ethan can’t play the piano, either.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  Neither Elisabeth nor Ethan can play the piano  6.  According to the passage, complete the table below.
               2    Luke takes the bus to work every day. Michelle takes the bus to work every day, too.  Main Idea of the Text  Learning a foreign language.
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                  Both Luke and Michelle take the bus to work every day  Learning a foreign language at schools should remain so for a variety of reasons.
                                                               Thesis Statement
               3    Lucy doesn’t have a dress for the party. Erica doesn’t have a dress for the party, either.  Learning a foreign language at school improves the job prospects of a child in
                                                                        his/her later life
                  Neither Lucy nor Erica has a dress for the party     1    ............................................................................................................... .
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                        If children learn foreign language at school, they will be able to spend pleasant
               4    Dave works for an international company. Carla works for an international company, too.  Supporting Ideas  2    ............................................................................................................... .
                                                                        holidays abroad
                  Both Dave and Carla work for an international company
                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                       3    Learning a foreign language might be confusing for a child.
                                                               Conclusion  Speaking a foreign language is a skill which is valuable both professionally and socially.
             4.  Read the quotes and make comments for each, expressing your opinions.
                                                             7.  Read the quote below and write an opinion article using the table in exercise 6. Your opinion
                                                              article must have a main idea,  a thesis statement, supporting  ideas and  a conclusion  part
                                  I  agree/disagree with ...
                “Your beliefs become your thoughts,           related to the quote given below.
                  Your thoughts become your words,  I think ...  Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge:  According to Yunus Emre, knowledge means both knowing
                  Your words become your actions,  What’s your opinion about…?      Knowledge means to know your heart and soul.  one’s heart and soul. …..................................….....................
                                                                                 Sts own answers
                  Your actions become your habits,  I’m not so sure about …    If you have failed to understand yourself,  ..............................….................................. In addition to this,
                                                               Then all of your reading has missed its call.”
                  Your habits become your values,                       Yunus Emre  ...............................................................................................
                  Your values become your destiny.”
                                       Sts own answers                       In conclusion,  ........................................................................
                            Gandhi                                           ...............................................................................................
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