P. 85

ENGLISH 11                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü


          A:  Well, when was the last time you played it?  Man: I see. Where do you work?
          B:  In fact, it was too many years ago. I played it when I was in high   Woman: I work for a tech company that creates business software.
            school.                                        Man: Really, what kind of software do you create?
          A:  What position did you play?                  Woman: We build tools that help companies manage their money.
          B:  I  think  I  tried  every  position,  but  the  last  few  years,  I  played   Man: Really? I work for a company which deals with that sort of
            third.                                         things as well.
          A:  I hate third base. I think it’s scary when the ball is coming   Woman: Great. Then, let me give you my card, and we can get in
            towards you so fast, isn’t it?                 touch to make some business.
          B:  Yeah, it was very scary for me at first, too. But, after a while, I got   Man: Good idea. I will call you.
            used to it. If you have fast reflexes, then it’s not a problem. And,
            for a short time, I played outfield as well.   Conversation 3
          A:  Oh, you experienced different positions. How nice! Do you still
            play baseball?                                 Man: Do you know whose desk this is?
          B: Unfortunately, I just watch the matches on TV because there   Woman: I think it is Joan’s desk.
            aren’t many opportunities around here.         Man: No, that’s not his desk. The one that has two monitors is Joan’s
          A:  What a pity! Thank you for making time for us. Have a good day.  desk.
          B:  Bye.                                         Woman: Hmm! Then, I don’t know whose desk it is.
                                                           Man: Well, someone must know who sits here.
          Tapescript: 8.3.1                                Woman: Right, someone. Just not us.
          Pierre: Hey, Kathy! Where are you going?         Tapescript: 9.2.1
          Kathy: I am going to the club, Pierre.           I have heard about the new restaurant for a long time. Fortunately,
          Pierre: The club? What do you do there?          I went to The EDL last night which has just been opened. It is an
          Kathy: I play tennis there with my friend, Saba.  Italian restaurant about which everybody has something to say. I
          Pierre: Do you play tennis every day?            took Daniel who was interested to see what it was like. We learnt
                                                           that the people who run it are from Tivoli, so there is no other dish
          Kathy: Yes, It keeps both my body and mind fit. Do you play   choice at all except for the Italian dishes. When we arrived, the staff
          anything?                                        welcomed us and immediately took us to our table which was by the
          Pierre: Yes, of course. I often play cricket and football to keep my   window with a good view. Everything was very pleasant. I’d never
          body fit and healthy.                            tasted Italian cooking before, so it was a new experience for me. I
          Kathy: Good for you. I think sports are essential for good health.  decided to try “risotto” which is a popular dish among the Italians.
                                                           The staff who was very friendly and helpful did not make us wait
          Pierre: You are right, Kathy. Any kind of sports is essential for   throughout the night. I mean, the service was quite fast. And, we
          everybody. According to a saying, only a healthy mind can realize   both liked the food which was really healthy and delicious. Also,
          God.                                             there was soft music in the background which created a relaxing and
          Kathy: But, a healthy mind can live only in a healthy body. For   comfortable atmosphere. The bill that was quite reasonable for every
          keeping a healthy body, sports are very important.  budget surprised us because we were expecting a bit more. We filled
          Pierre: They also teach us the spirit of sportsmanship.  in one of the comment forms to rate our experiences in The EDL. I
          Kathy: I agree with you. Games also develop the quality of leadership   think everything was really perfect.
          among students.
                                                           Tapescript: 9.3.1
          Pierre: Health is wealth, is an old saying. Therefore, to maintain our   Conversation 1
          health, we must keep doing sports.
          Kathy: Yes. You are right. May I take leave of you now? I am getting   Man: Do you know why the gathering was postponed?
          late for my tennis game.                         Woman: Yes, we need a venue where we can use an air conditioner
          Pierre: With great pleasure. I have to go catch the bus, too. Goodbye.  effectively.
          Kathy: See you again.                            Man: What about the place where we had the party?
                                                           Woman: What party?
          Tapescript: 9.1.1                                Man: You know the party when Nevin had baby shower.
          Conversation 1                                   Woman: Oh, yeah. That will work.
          Man: Wow! I can’t believe my eyes. Who is this party for?   Conversation 2
          Woman: For my friend, Tim. He’s the guy whom I told you about
          last week.                                       Man: So, which district do you live in?
          Man: Refresh my memory, please. Is he the guy who opened the new   Woman: I live on the far east side of the city.
          café?                                            Man: Oh, is it nice over there?
          Woman:  No, that’s Larry. He’s the guy who just moved into the   Woman: It’s OK. It has a few places where you can be away from all
          house down the street.                           other things, just with your own.
          Man: Oh, the house which has that huge garage.   Man: Oh, really? Tell me more, please.
          Woman: Yes, that’s the house and that’s the guy.  Woman: Well, there’s a big park where you can just relax and enjoy
                                                           the big and lovely trees.
          Conversation 2                                   Man: I think I know about that place. It’s a popular place when it is
          Man: Hi, Sarah. Where have you been?             fall and the leaves change colors.
          Woman: Oh! What a nice coincidence, George. I have been very   Woman: Yes, that’s the place.
          busy for a long time.

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