P. 82

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11


          worldwide today.  In the light of this heritage, Thompson’s Chocolate   Tapescript: 4.1.1
          can inspire young people to be brave for entrepreneurship in founding
          companies like this. One of the slogans of the company is “a taste you   a   After Chris had learnt two languages, he felt ready to go abroad.
          can’t forget”, and they go on being the leader in today’s chocolate   b  Before l arrived home, my parents had already had their dinner.
          world.                                         c  When his manager sent a new assignment, my father hadn’t
                                                            completed his former report yet.
          Tapescript: 3.1.1                              d  Had you eaten anything outside before you came home?
          Omar: Hello mom, how are you? What were you doing when I called
          Mom: Hello my sweetie. Yeah, we are good. I was in the kitchen, and   Tapescript: 4.2.1
          your dad was in the living room. While I was preparing dinner, your   Dialog 1
          dad was watching TV. What about you, dear?      Jamie: We are in three-day lockdown. Let’s watch new movies on
          Omar: Mom, I was touched with your scarf when I saw it in the   digital platforms.
          laundry room. Then, I called you to hear your voice.   Mary:  It sounds great, but let me choose a good movie, please. When l
          Mom: Oh, my little Omar, of course, you can call any time. You know   was together with my friends on the previous lockdown, they insisted
          your dad told me not to call you often in order not to disrupt your   on watching action movies. I had already seen the movie that they
          concentration on your PhD qualifying exam.      chose. Therefore, l didn’t have a good time while they were sitting on
          Omar: Thanks, mom. I have limited time, and there are many subjects   the edge of their seats.
          I have to study. Pray for me, please.           Jamie: Oh, poor you! The choice is yours surely.
          Mom: Don’t worry dear. I always pray for those taking exams.
                                                          Dialog 2
                                                          Sam: l saw your new neighbour when he got in his car, and his clothes
          Tapescript: 3.2.1
                                                          were caked with mud. What happened to him?
          Mohamed: When you were young, did you have a TV?  Joyce: He wanted to dig a hole in his garden. After he had dug the hole,
          Grandma: No, we used to listen to the radio.    he broke the water pipe accidentally.
          Mohamed: Did you use to play with your friends?  Sam: It was an unlucky day for him.
          Grandma: Yes, we played volleyball, but we didn’t have the volleyball
          net. We used to knit it.                        Tapescript: 4.3.1
          Mohamed: What about shopping?                   a  American producer, director, scenarist, and dubbing artist Walt
          Grandma: My mother used to buy food in small shops, not in   Disney dreamed a world everybody was happy in. When he
          supermarkets. She always had to cook for us. We didn’t use to eat fast   became a young adult, he started to put his dreams on paper. He
          food.                                             improved his drawing ability day by day, so he created world-
          Mohamed: What, no burgers? Did you use to listen to music?  famous characters like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and
          Grandma: Of course. We had a record player.       Pluto. As a result of his own belief to himself and his struggles, he
                                                            founded Walt Disney Company. By referring the Mickey Mouse
          Mohamed: What was school like?                    character, he says “if you can dream, you can do it. Remember,
          Grandma: Well, we used to wear a uniform. And we used to write   everything began with a mouse.”
          everything in our notebooks-no tablets then. But we used to have a lot   b  Messi’s best friend was his ball during his childhood. He was
          of fun. Why all these questions?                  making balls from plastic bags or socks to himself when he didn’t
          Mohamed: I’m doing a history project.             have a real ball. He was always demanding a ball from his parents
          Grandma: Ah, OK. I guess I’m part of history now!  on his birthdays and at Christmas as a present. Even his some
                                                            health problems couldn’t stop him from playing football. Today,
                                                            he is the only football player who has won the Ballon d’Or’ award
          Tapescript: 3.3.1                                 6 times.
          Policeman: What’s your name?                    c  The author of the serial of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling began to
          Dorothy: Dorothy Marcus.                          write her fiction stories when she was 5 years old. Her writing
          Policeman: What were you doing at 2 yesterday afternoon?  passion never put out after even she had come across many
                                                            difficulties. If we ask “Was she travelling on the railway while she
          Dorothy: I was standing outside the bank waiting for a friend.   was creating Harry Potter character?”, we say yes to this question.
          Suddenly, I saw two people running into the bank. There were a man   After the publishers had rejected to publish Harry Potter, she
          and a woman.                                      was disappointed about her piece, but she did not give up. Today,
          Policeman: What were they like?                   Harry Potter is one of the most beloved book and film series all
          Dorothy: The man was short and fat with a black cap. He had long   over the world.
          black hair. I don’t really remember the woman’s appearance.  d  The founder of the modern nursery, Florence Nightingale, was a
          Policeman: What was the man wearing?              perfect heroine in the Crimean War. Though she was with a silver
          Dorothy: He was wearing a blue sweater and black trousers.  spoon in her mouth, she didn’t want to be a useless woman in her
                                                            society. Finally, she came up with a solution that nursing was the
          Policeman:  Good description. What happened next?  best way to help people. Her parents didn’t give permission to her,
          Dorothy: Ah thank you. As a child, I used to draw appearances of the   but she grasped her dream and she could be the nurse who put her
          imaginary characters while my mom was telling stories. Well, after a   stamp in history.
          few minutes, the man came out of the bank carrying a big bag, and
          then, the woman came out. They got into a red car and drove away.
          Policeman: Thank you very much.

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