P. 79

ENGLISH 11                                        Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü

                   ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Describing events, places and people                                                               Theme 9
                       •  Asking for and giving clarification  My Friends 27
                                                     L3     5.  Read the text and choose the correct option for each question.
             1.  Listen to the conversations and answer the following questions.   Tapescript 9.3.1
                                                                            A Different Experience
               1   Why was the gathering postponed?
                                                               Sixteen-year-old Naima Clerke talked about her African experience.
                 a    It was too small.     b    There was no air conditioner.
                                                               Last summer, I got the chance to spend a month helping out in a hospital in Africa. I had a gap
               2   What does she say about the park?           year at school, and I was interested in studying medicine at university. I thought it was a perfect
                                                               chance to get some experience which would help me in studying medicine. 1  It was a month when
                 a    It is place where one can enjoy just being in the nature.
                                                               I was introduced to a world that is really different to mine in so many ways. 2  When I saw the poor
                 b    He’s never been there.                   families, I was amazed at the way they come together and help each other. It was voluntary work
                                                               in terms of spending a lot of time looking after the basic needs of the patients at the hospital. It was
               3   What does she ask the man to do?
                                                               a good chance which gave me the opportunity to ask the doctors about the profession. 3  Although I
                 a    Postpone the dinner.  b    Just have dinner and talk.  saw truly awful things there, none of them changed my mind about being a doctor. In fact, they only
                                                               made me more determined to study medicine. Now, I know exactly what I’m going to be. I mean
                                                               it will be a profession which deals with international organizations, and I will spend my life helping
             2.  Link the sentences in Column A with ones in Column B using who, whose or which.
                                                               people overseas who haven’t been as lucky as me. 4  I can’t wait to get started!
                       A                 B
               1    A sofa is a piece of furniture.  a    It cuts the grass.  1     What does Naima talk about in the text?
               2    This is Janette.  b    S/he serves the passengers on a plane.     a    About an amazing experience she had
               3    A flight attendant is a person.  c    You sit on it.
                                                                 b   About some advice to people who want to be a doctor
               4    Ege’s brother is an actor.  d    He lives in Hollywood.     c    About the comparisons of the hospitals in Africa and her country
               5    A lawnmower is a machine.  e    Her father donated lots of money to the charity.
                                                              2     What was Naima amazed at?
                 A sofa is a piece of furniture on which you sit
               1    ................................................................................................................................................... .     a    How little money all of them had
                 This is Janette whose father donated lots of money to the charity
               2    ................................................................................................................................................... .     b   The way they come together and help each other
                 A flight attendant is a person who serves the passengers on a plane     c    How much they needed medical help
               3    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 Ege’s brother who lives in Hollywood is an actor  3     How has the trip changed Naima’s ideas about her own future?
               4    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                 a    She doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore.
                 A lawnmower is a machine which cuts the grass
               5    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                 b   It affects her opinions negatively about being a doctor.
                                                                 c    Now, she really knows what she wants to do in her life.
             3.  Ask your friend about a local restaurant to get clarified information. Ask clarification questions
               to get detailed answers about when to go, what to eat and with whom to go there.
                 Sts own answers                            6.  Look at the underlined sentences in the text. Divide each sentence into parts as in the example.
                                                              1    I thought it was a perfect chance to get some experience. This experience would help me in studying medicine.
                                                                It was a month. In that month, I was introduced to a world. The world is really different to mine in so many ways
                                                              2    ................................................................................................................................................... .
             4.  Complete each sentence with the words given in bold as in the example.
                                                                It was a good chance. The chance gave me the opportunity to ask the doctors about the profession
               Example:   The woman carrying the briefcase is the headmaster. (who)  3    ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                   The woman who is carrying the briefcase is the headmaster.  I will spend my life helping people overseas. The people overseas haven’t been as lucky as me
                                                              4    ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1    The bicycle leaning on the fence is Rabia’s. (which)
                         which leans
                     The bicycle .............................................. on the fence is Rabia’s.  7.  Read the sentences below and decide if the given information is extra (E) or necessary (N).
               2    This is Aeren. His car was stolen yesterday. (whose)  1    Rachel, who we met yesterday, lives in this neighborhood.   E
                       whose car was stolen
                      This is Aeren .............................................. yesterday.  2    I remember the day when we first met.  N
               3    I can’t forget the day. I lost my wallet in a crowded city on that day. (when)  3    My favorite food, which used to be Italian, is now Japanese. E
                       the day when I lost my wallet
                      I can’t forget ......................................................... in a crowded city.   4    These are the earrings that my mother gave me.  N
               4    Jim lives in that house. The house is on Atatürk Street. (where)  8.  Prepare a digital booklet to describe your school including the answers to the questions below.
                        where Jim lives
                      The house ..................................................... is on Atatürk Street.  •   Where is it located?
               5    She is talking to a man. He is my teacher. (whom)  •   What are the main student clubs in your school?
                     whom she is talking to/to whom she is talking
                      The man .......................................................................... is my teacher.  •   What are the recommendations for the newcomers?  Sts own answers
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                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Expressing opinions   Theme 10
                       •  Exchanging ideas   Values and Norms 28
                       •  Making comments
                                                              1    What was the father’s problem?
             1.  Listen and tick the phrases you hear.    Tapescript 10.1.1  His sons were always quarrelling among themselves
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                 1    I think …   √  6    As opposed to this, I wholeheartedly believe that …    2    What do you think about the father’s solution?
                                                                        Sts own answers
               √  2    In my opinion, …  7    I’m not sure about …     I think, ....................................................................................................................................... .
               √  3    What I mean is that …   √  8    I totally disagree.    3    What do you think about the children’s behaviors?
                                                                        Sts own answers
                 4    I’m partly in the belief that …  √  9    To sum up, my claim is that …     In my opinion, ........................................................................................................................... .
               √  5    To make it clear, …  10   I feel the same way.  4    What is the inexplicit value mentioned in this story?
                                                                The importance of being in harmony with the family with tight bonds
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
             2.  Put the expressions into the correct categories.
                                                            5.  After you read the story in Exercise 4, make comments about the solution of the father. Share
               a    What do you think of…?   i    I’m sorry but I think…
                                                              your opinions about the misbehaviors of the children with your classmates.
               b    That probably means…   j    What’s your opinion about…?
                                                                Sts own answers
               c    I feel the same way.   k    I’m afraid I disagree…
                                                            6.  Look at the chart below and make sentences using “both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor, not
               d    I personally feel that...  l    In my opinion …   only ... but also” as in the example.
               e    I think so, too.  m   I think…
                                                                               Watched  Bought a
               f    Maybe you’re right (but)…  n    I’m not so sure about ...   Know how to ski  a great show last   computer last   Go to school by
               g    Do you have an idea…?   o    I believe…                     night  month
               h    How/What about…?                           Carlos    -       +      +      +
                                                               Tania     -       +      -      -
                  Asking for Opinions  Expressing Opinions  Agreeing/Disagreeing
                                                               Alex      +       -      -      +
                a    What do you think of…?   m    I think…  c    I feel the same way.   Emre  +  +  -  +
                g    Do you have an idea…?  o    I believe…  f    Maybe you’re right (but)…
                j    What’s your opinion   d    I personally feel that...  k    I’m afraid I disagree…  Example:   Carlos and Tanita/ know how to ski.
                 about…?     b    That probably means…   e    I think so, too.      Either Carlos or Tanita doesn’t know how to ski. / Neither Carlos nor Tanita knows how to ski.
                h    How/What about…?  l    In my opinion …   i   I’m sorry but I think...  1    Tania and Emre/watched a great show last night.
                                         n    I’m not so sure about ...   Both Tania and Emre watched a great show last night
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                Not only Tanita but also Emre watched a great show last night
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
             3.  Ask and answer about the sentences given below using the phrases in Exercise 1. Do you
               agree or disagree with them? Why?              2    Alex and Emre/bought a computer last month.
                                                                Neither Alex nor Emre bought a computer last month
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
               1    Being passionate about the things you like is extremely important.    Either Alex or Emre didn’t buy a computer last month
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
               2    A hobby you really like can have a positive effect on your health.
                                                              3    Carlos and Alex/Emre/ go to school by bus.
               3    It’s important to be friends with everybody.     ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                Not only Carlos and Alex but also Emre goes to school by bus
               4    It’s not always necessary to tidy your room.  Sts own answers
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                              4    Alex/ watched a great show last night/bought a new computer last week.
             4.  Read the story below and answer the questions.  Alex didn’t either watch a great show last night or buy a new computer last week
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                                                                Alex neither watched a great show last night nor bought a new computer last week
                                                                 ................................................................................................................................................... .
                           A FATHER AND HIS SONS
                                                            7.  Write a paragraph expressing your opinions about the quote below in relation with the values
                Once, a hard-working father had a family of sons. The sons were very troublesome and were
                always quarrelling among themselves. The father always thought that his sons shouldn’t have   and norms.
                quarrelled a lot. The father was very worried, and one day he gathered the whole family around   “There must be a profound recognition that parents are the first teachers and that education begins before formal schooling and is deeply
                him. He showed them a bundle of sticks, tied together with a cord. “I want each of you to take   rooted in the values, traditions, and norms of family and culture.”              Sara Lawrence
                this bundle in your hands, and try with all your strength to break it.” he said. Beginning with the
                youngest, each boy tried in turn to break the sticks, but none succeeded. “Now, untie the bundle,   I agree/disagree with Sara Lawrence in terms that
                and see what you can do with each twig” said the amused father. They did so, and with great
                ease, each of them snapped the single sticks into pieces. “My dear sons, I have some advice for   Sts own answers
                you. Always keep together as a family and you are safe. If you are divided and you are in trouble”
                explained the father.
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