P. 66

Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü                                         ENGLISH 11

                                                                         ANSWER KEYS

                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Making plans and predictions    Theme 1
                       •  Making an appointment  Future Jobs 1
                       •  Talking on the phone
                                                            3.  Which future jobs are they? Look at the pictures and write the names of the jobs under the
                                                              pictures. Use the jobs you did in Exercise 2.
             1.  Read the text and decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
                         Popular Future Jobs of Post-COVID
                How the pandemic has caused the future jobs is a very crucial issue. The workforce is automating   A  B  C
                faster than expected. Pandemic-related distruptions have accelerated the arrival of the future jobs.   App Developer  Physical Therapist  Information Security Analyst
                Businesses, governments and workers should plan to work together to implement a new vision for
                the global jobs.
                By 2025, it is possible to say that automation and digitisation will increase and this increase will
                have a great impact on new future jobs mushrooming. Due to the technology blended lifestyle,
                software engineers,  app developers,  information  security analysts, ophthalmologists,  dieticians
                and physical therapists will most probably gain popularity. In those years, most people will be   D  E  F
                working at their homes. Their online hours will increase and they will probably have visual defects   Ophthalmologist  Software Engineer  Dietician
                after spending long hours in front of computers. Physical impairments, the lockdowns and isolated
                life will probably give rise to eating disorders. In addition to these possible changes, people will do   4.  Listen to the phone call and tick the expressions you hear.   Tapescript 1.1.1
                their shoppings online sharing their personal information frequently and they will need help from an
                information security analyst in order to keep their personal information safe on the Net.   A typed reference letter  Interview at 10 a.m.
                                                              √  20 th  August    √  I’m terribly sorry.
               1     The worldwide disease has an important effect on new job opportunities.  T  √  Making a job interview appointment  √  Hang on a moment.
               2     People prevised the effects of pandemic beforehand.  F
                                                            5.  Listen to the phone call again and answer the questions below.
               3     Governments are the only authority to make plans and arrangements.  F  DPNR Language School.
                                                              1    What’s the name of the company?
               4     New future jobs will occur rapidly after the new fast-paced lifestyles.  NS  To apply for the position in the ad.
               5     Information Security Analysts are the people who help to secure people’s personal   T  2    Why is İsmet Çetinkaya calling that company?  He is supposed to send his CV and a
                 information surfing on the Net.              3    What is the applicant supposed to do before the interview?  handwritten reference letter.
                                                              4    Has the applicant got an interview invitation?  Yes, he has.
                                                                                      On August, 23 rd  at 3 p.m.
                                                              5    When is the interview going to be?
             2.  According to the text above, write the names of the popular post-COVID future jobs on the
               diagram below and add two more that you predict within five years time.
                                                            6.  Read the sentences below and match them with the functions in the box.
                                                              A  making plans    C  talking about personal arrangements
                                                              B  talking about future actions in progress                        D  making predictions
                         Sts own answers  Information Security
                                    Analyst                   1    I’m going to book a flight to Trabzon tomorrow.  C
                                                              2    It’s possible that you will succeed in your project if you don’t stop working.  D
                   Sts own answers        Dietician           3    What are you doing for the next week’s lockdown?  A
                                                              4    They will be having an online lesson between 2 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday.  B
                              Popular Post-COVID
                               Future Jobs                  7.  What is your plan for the next weekend? Talk about your plans, personal arrangements and
                   Software Engineer     Ophthalmologist      predictions for the weekend.
                                                              Sts own answers
                          App Developer  Physical Therapist
                                                    5       6
                       FUNCTIONS:              English  11
                       •  Making plans and predictions    Theme 1
                       •  Making an appointment  Future Jobs 2
                       •  Talking on the phone
                                                            2.  Read the ads again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
             1.  Read the ads numbered 1 and 2 and complete the chart below.  1     The language school has changable working hours.    T
                                                              2     Royal Household vacancy is in need of a reference letter from the applicant.   F
                 Ad 1                Ad 2                     3     The Royal House candidate will have to wear a uniform while working.  F
                                                              4     Only the selected ones will be called for an interview by the language school.  T
                  A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR
                     JOB-HUNTERS                              5     Both position-takers are going to have a meal, accomodation and transportation card. F
                                                              6   The candidate for the Royal House is going to take care of the horses.  T
                                                            3.  Look at Ad 1 again and imagine that you are going to apply for that position. Write a letter of
                                                              intent including:
                                                              •   Where / When you
                                                                saw the job ad    Sts own answers
                                        WANTED                •   Details of previous
                                                                work experience and
                We are in need of a full-time “liveried helper”!  We’re looking for a part-time teacher to  help   •   Your personal
                                   our L2 students in Ankara from September to
                The candidate should have a passion             qualities
                                   July. You will be paid 30 TL per hour + lunch
                for horses and caring for the old, an         •   Your motivation for
                                   + transportation card.
                experience  of  working in a  yard.  The        the position
                                   •   with impressive communication skills in
                working  contract  benefits  are  33  days
                                     English especially with the teenagers.
                holiday,  meals and accomodation and   •
                a chance  to join the royal ceremonies.   with a min. 3-year teaching experience
                                     with L2 teenagers.
                Other duties include  maintaining the       4.  Listen to the phone call and tick the expressions you hear.  Tapescript 1.2.1
                stables, cleaning the saddlery  and royal   Also, you should work weekdays/weekends   √  √
                barns. The salary will be 16.000 GBP and   shifts (10 a.m. - 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.).   That sounds great.  There is no doubt.
                                   If you feel you are the right person for our
                the  working place will be  Royal House   Language School, feel free to contact Human   I’m of the same opinion.  √  I’m totally in.
                and the Castle of Windsor. If you believe   Resource Department with your CV including   Neither do I.  I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.
                you’ll  be a huge  asset for this position,   your recent photo and a handwritten letter
                visit the Royal Household Website  till 10 th    of intent by 20 th  August, 2020. Only selected   √  That’s exactly what I think.  √  I agree with you in principle, but …..
                October. Interviews will be held by the end   job-seekers will be called for an interview.  I disagree with Laura.  I’m sorry but I don’t agree with you.
                of October.
                                                            5.  Listen to the phone call again and answer the questions below.
                                                                                     Planning friends’ meeting on New Year.
                                                              1     What is the topic of the conversation?
                                                                                     Four people.
                                                              2     How many people will be having a party?
                                                              3     What kind of a party are they going to have?  House party.
                                                              4   Whose house will be the place for the party?  Jane’s home.
                                                              5   When will the party happen?  On New Year.
                                                              6   Will the grandma be having the party with the teenagers? No, she won’t.
                     Job title  Working hours  Salary  Duties  6.  Arrange a video talk with your close friend. Ask and answer questions about your future plans.
                                               qualities        Example: What are you doing tonight?  I’m playing soccer with my friends.
                     A good            Looking for the   A passion for
                Ad 1  opportunity for   Full-time  16.000 GBP per   horses, cleaning,  horses and caring   1  tonight?  Sts own answers
                                       working in the
                    job hunters                the old         2  tomorrow evening?  Sts own answers
                                              Impressive       3  the day after tomorrow?  Sts own answers
                                        Teaching   communication                    Sts own answers
                                             skills, min. 3-year
                Ad 2  Wanted  Part-time  30 TL per hour  teenagers  teaching experience   4  this weekend?
                                             with L2 teenagers  5  next week?       Sts own answers
                                                    7       8
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