P. 59

5.  Read the text and choose the correct option for each question.

                                              A Different Experience
               Sixteen-year-old Naima Clerke talked about her African experience.
               Last summer, I got the chance to spend a month helping out in a hospital in Africa. I had a gap
               year at school, and I was interested in studying medicine at university. I thought it was a perfect
               chance to get some experience which would help me in studying medicine.  It was a month when
               I was introduced to a world that is really different to mine in so many ways.  When I saw the poor
               families, I was amazed at the way they come together and help each other. It was voluntary work
               in terms of spending a lot of time looking after the basic needs of the patients at the hospital. It was
               a good chance which gave me the opportunity to ask the doctors about the profession.  Although I
               saw truly awful things there, none of them changed my mind about being a doctor. In fact, they only
               made me more determined to study medicine. Now, I know exactly what I’m going to be. I mean
               it will be a profession which deals with international organizations, and I will spend my life helping
               people overseas who haven’t been as lucky as me.  I can’t wait to get started!

              1     What does Naima talk about in the text?
                 a    About an amazing experience she had
                  b   About some advice to people who want to be a doctor
                  c    About the comparisons of the hospitals in Africa and her country
              2     What was Naima amazed at?
                 a    How little money all of them had
                  b   The way they come together and help each other
                  c    How much they needed medical help

              3     How has the trip changed Naima’s ideas about her own future?
                 a    She doesn’t want to be a doctor anymore.
                  b   It affects her opinions negatively about being a doctor.
                  c    Now, she really knows what she wants to do in her life.

          6.  Look at the underlined sentences in the text. Divide each sentence into parts as in the example.
              1    I thought it was a perfect chance to get some experience. This experience would help me in studying medicine.

              2    ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    ................................................................................................................................................... .

          7.  Read the sentences below and decide if the given information is extra (E) or necessary (N).

              1    Rachel, who we met yesterday, lives in this neighborhood.
              2    I remember the day when we first met.
              3    My favorite food, which used to be Italian, is now Japanese.
              4    These are the earrings that my mother gave me.
          8.  Prepare a digital booklet to describe your school including the answers to the questions below.
              •   Where is it located?
              •   What are the main student clubs in your school?
              •   What are the recommendations for the newcomers?

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