Page 5 - English 10 | Games and Activities-6
P. 5


                             F1  Giving and receiving advice
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about rules and regulations
                             F3  Talking about consequences
             1 Need Some Advice

          The activity aims to have students give advice based on the prompts given in the board game. It is also
          expected to help improve speaking and listening skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Copies of the dice on page 144 and the board game on page 145
          The teacher cuts out the dice pattern and makes the dice and hands out one board game and one dice
          to each group.

          1  Put students into groups of three or four, depending on the size of the class.
          2  Determine the rule of the progress as clockwise or counterclockwise.
          3  Remind students to roll the dice in turns.
          4  Ask each student to move their game pieces (a rubber, a pencil sharpener, a button, etc.) along the
             path according to the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
          5  Have students read the problems/situations out and give advice for them.

             E.g. I want to make new friends:    You should join a new club at school.
                                              You shouldn’t look for too many similarities.

          6  The first group to reach the ‘Finish’ space wins the game.

             2 Advice Seeker

          Advice seeker is an activity aiming to have students participate actively in dialogs in which they will be
          able to ask for and give advice. It is expected to employ reading, listening and speaking skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Cards on page 146
          The teacher photocopies the cards. Taking into consideration that each student is to hold two different
          cards, the teacher determines the number of copies.

          1  Hand out the cards. Remember that each student is going to hold two different cards. You are free
             to hand out the cards either randomly or in a way you decide.
          2  Tell students that the cards they are holding have advice-seeking questions on and that they will
             be walking around with the cards in their hands asking the questions on them. Tell students to ask
             their card questions to their friends and listen with the aim of finding the best answer. Point out
             that if they do not know anything as an answer to the advice question asked, they may either ask
             another friend for help or say “pass”.
          3  Once they are finished, have them share the pieces of advice they have received and discuss
             whether they will work or not.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  135
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