Page 8 - English 10 | Games and Activities-6
P. 8


                             F1  Giving and receiving advice
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about rules and regulations
                             F3  Talking about consequences
             6 Places and Rules

          The activity aims to have students think and talk about rules and regulations for public places.  It is
          expected to raise social awareness and help improve writing, listening and speaking skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          The public places chart on page 150
          The teacher photocopies the public places chart as many as the number of groups.

          1  Put students into groups.
          2  Hand out the public places chart, one for each group.
          3  Tell students that public places exist on the sheets they are holding and they are going to write as
             many rules and regulations as possible regarding each public place. If they fail to come up with any
             rules and regulations through the group discussion, they can search for them on the Net or ask
             classmates for help. Tell them that what they are expected to write should be similar to the ones
             given in the example and share the example below.

             E.g.                 Park                              Hospital
                    •   You mustn’t leave food residuals   •   Visitors are not allowed to use
                       on the tables and benches.          patients’ toilets.

          4  Give the groups 10 minutes to list the rules and regulations.
          5  When the time is over, check the lists and announce the group with the most accurate lists as the
             winner. Remember to share the good examples.

             7 Set the Rules

          The activity aims to have students talk about rules and regulations. It employs listening, speaking, reading
          and writing skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          The worksheet on page 151
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and cuts out the worksheet for each pair.

          1  Put students into pairs. Hand out the worksheet to the pairs.
          2  Tell students to imagine that they are the rule makers of their newly established company and
             ask them to set the rules and regulations for it. Consider punctuality, respect, performance, use of
             utilities, the dress code and mannerisms.
          3  Give students enough time for the activity.
          4  Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
          5  When the time is up, let the pairs share their rules with the class and discuss to find out the best

             138  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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